
  1. M

    Breastfeeding carrier

    Hi all! I’m not sure if I used the right tag, apologies if I didn’t. I currently have a 19 month old and 2 month old. For my older I always used my original ergo baby and loved it. But I didn’t breastfeed. I now have my 2 month old and he does nurse exclusively. I am wanting to find a carrier...
  2. A

    Carrier recommendation for travel? A few considerations

    I’m looking for a baby carrier for some upcoming travel. One of our trips is to Bali where it will be very hot and humid so temperature consideration is a must. We currently have these carriers: 1) mamacozy wrap carrier sling: Momcozy Baby Wrap Carrier Slings, Easy to Wear Infant Carrier...
  3. S

    Need sub-zero temp carrier cover for toddler

    My daughter is 18 months old and we are still going strong baby wearing. We live in Scandinavia and temps have been -14⁰ C (7⁰ F) the last two weeks. Problem is, she has grown out of her very warm, snowproof rainproof cover and I cannot find one for a bigger child (she's currently 80cm tall)...
  4. M

    Babywearing questioned by total stranger at Costco, said he was a “former physician”

    I was in the checkout at Costco, wearing my one year old in an Ergo on my back.( I recently switched to back carrying because I’m about 11 weeks pregnant and was starting to get some back pain with the front carry.) An older white guy in line behind me said “Excuse me… I’m just wondering, how...
  5. N

    Science on babywearing forward facing, M position and hip dysplasia?

    Everywhere I read about related to babywearing it says that you need to have baby in the “M position” ie knees above bum. Which a lot of inward facing carriers do. Someone warned me about baby facing outwards and said it’s because you can’t achieve said position as easily and the spine isn’t in...
  6. N

    Recommendations for carriers that don’t press sensitive tummies?

    My 9 week old daughter is nearly 14lbs and has “silent reflux”. I’d always imagined I’d baby wear constantly but she’s uncomfortable in the carriers I have even 30+ minutes after nursing. We have a Solly wrap but she gets quite hot in it. Our ErgoBaby Embrace leads to lots of burping and even...