
  1. J

    Advice for layering in cold climates?

    Hi everyone! My husband uses the Baby Björn Original and I use both the original Ergobaby and the BB Tai to carry our 7 kilo little guy. We live in a city and we baby wear every day in all weather (no car). Our city can get to -5 C (in the 20s in Fahrenheit) but is generally around 0 C. My...
  2. M

    Anyone have a K'tan Breeze?

    Third kid, lots of carriers in my closet, but I hate my Moby and don't like dealing with the Ergo insert so I thought I'd give the K'tan a go this round for the squish stage. Had it all figured out, logged into Buy Buy Baby (yay coupons!) and saw that the Breeze is only $10 more. Kid is coming...
  3. A

    Baby wearing outdoors in the winter?

    Can everyone give their advice for carrying in a cold climate? (Below 30 F). I was a daily winter walker before I had my baby and am hoping to continue with her in tow. I primarily use an ergo for my longer walks, and bought the all weather carrier. It seems that her body stays warm, maybe I...
  4. Y

    Tips for newborn w K’Tan?

    Hi! I’m new to baby wearing. I have a 8.5 pound 4.5 week old and am looking for any tips you can share to carrying my baby in the k’tan. I’m anxious! I am going to follow “TICKS” but I’m still nervous and am practicing. He grunts in the carrier but I’m hoping he’s just getting used to it. I...
  5. C

    Please no judgement - just a question

    We have a baby girl who doesn’t like to be put down most days, she’s 9 weeks old. She is 7lbs 11oz (we believe at least, our scale says 7.7lbs). We have a carrier that we got at our baby shower that is the infantino flip 4-in-1 convertible carrier. It shows the facing in narrow seat is for...
  6. H

    Boba X or Tula FTG??

    FTM here due in January with our baby boy 💙🩵. I’ve completely searched this page plus a few groups on facebook to find a structured carrier to get for baby to grow into. It seems the Boba X and the Tula FTG are both well loved. We plan to use a wrap for immediate newborn stage and are looking...
  7. S

    New to BW, need some advice

    Ladies I am new to baby wearing, my ds2 is 15 wks old and I really would like to purchase a baby carrier for ease of getting out and about as I have a nearly 4 Yr old ds too. My query is what carrier would you advise for a large chested lady, cup size g/h, clothing size 18UK. Having read a bit...
  8. T

    Tandem wearing with two wraps

    I'm pregnant with my second and the babies will be 22 months apart. My oldest can walk but isn't the biggest fan of it most of the time yet at 15 months. I live somewhere with great public transportation and I don't drive in this country, and I don't even own a stroller and have no interest in...
  9. P

    Happy Baby Carriers: schedules and colors, a guide

    I’ve gone deep into the happy baby carrierrabbit hole while trying to snag my first HBC to try with my upcoming baby (3 under 2 means that anything to help free my hands is worth trying!), and given that some of you here may not be members of the Facebook group I thought that sharing some...
  10. K

    A note from an educator

    I'm done trying to fix misinformation on this sub. It's become exhausting. But I guess I leave you with this. I have been wearing my kids since my 7 year old was 2 weeks old, 3 year old was a preemie and 5 days old, and still wear the 3yo. I became a babywearing educator with Babywearing...
  11. E

    Please recommend an easy to use stretchy wrap or similar for a newborn

    Hi! My second baby is due in a few weeks. With my first son, we used a Moby wrap a lot around the house. I liked that it wasn’t very bulky so that I could do other tasks easily and it felt very snuggly. We used and loved our Ergo 360 when out and about and will use it this time as well...
  12. T

    Baby’s preference

    What are y’all doing about your babies that prefer face flat to your chest?? I have an 11 week old that weighs 14 lbs and only contact naps so I baby wear her a lot in my moby wrap and my husband wears her in a Lille baby complete. I feel like I’m constantly fighting to get her to turn her head...
  13. D

    Help me pull the trigger: Wildbird Aerial | Sakura Bloom Scout | LennyLight | Tula Lite

    I've been nerding out on the different carriers for awhile now, help me make my final decision! Baby girl is almost 3 weeks and 98th %tile (10 lbs at 2 weeks). She's doing well in the Moby wrap so I'm excited for the next steps (have also ordered a ring sling). We live in Hawaii so with the...
  14. A

    Hiking with a 6 m/o who likes to have her arms out

    So my baby has loved being worn in my moby wrap until recently (4 mos) when she started fighting me the second her arms got tucked in. She fights being worn now until she’s got both hands out, and has basically rolled the back support down so she can lean out and look at everything, so I’ve...
  15. I

    F the cult-like following of certain carrier brands (Happy Baby)

    After a lot of research (and trying half a dozen slings at my local library) I have learn that a Happy Baby Original carrier is one that both myself and my baby like (she likes structured carriers like Ergo/Tula but thick waistbands aggravate my c section scar, I like soft/lightweight carriers...
  16. S

    New to the ring sling and in need of help

    I recently bought a Wildbird linen ring sling and I really want to like it because I know once I get the hang of it that it will be quick and easy to get my LO in and out of. Right now, though, I’m having such a hard time with it 😔 I’ve read through a bunch of old posts on here about them but...
  17. N

    Y'all these BST groups are wild

    I joined a B/S/T baby carrier group because I'd like to buy an So many acronyms! Some of these members have collections that must be worth more than a thousand dollars, like literally closets just for their carriers. They have very specific requests, like a carrier made 10 years...
  18. I

    Tula Explore vs Free to grow

    Hi all, I've spent the last 2 days getting more and more lost in the world of baby wearing and could really use some help. My 5 month old has lived in my Freerider wraps over the past few months. He's quite small (9%) but he's getting heavier and it's starting to take a toll on my back when we...
  19. P

    Wrap help

    Trying to master my keababies wrap and struggling. Can someone assess this - are the legs too close together? ETA - baby is 4 w o, 8.5 lbs
  20. G

    Toddler carriers

    I am in the market for a toddler carrier. It seems that Tula is one of the best brands. I checked on this site: , but Tula Toddler is not on it. Beco toddler is on the list but they only have 4.4 reviews on Amazon. In fact, there are close to none...