all advice welcome

  1. T

    Redshirting in preschool

    Hi there, I was curious to see if there is any research-based backing for "redshirting"/having children repeat a year of preschool. This is something I've been thinking a lot about after an interesting and somewhat disheartening preschool observation experience for my child (he will be 4 at...
  2. E

    First flight since 2019 w kids: help us assess risk of RSV (+ covid and flu) flying SF to Hawaii w 6 month old? -that cautious fam still masking

    How might you think about RSV risk for small children now? NY times writes about a twin-demic with covid, flu, and RSV hospitalizations rising. Early nov trip planned. We are that fam with a teeny baby. She is 9 months old and the size of a 6 month old. We also still mask but have a...
  3. X

    Cosleeping vs bed sharing for 4 month old

    Recently, my baby has started consistently waking up and screaming, unable to get back to sleep, while in her crib. We’re currently in a huge life transition that involves a ton of driving and hotels, so I’m hoping she improves once she settles down. At the moment, I am only getting 3-4 hours of...
  4. A

    Looking for reassurance. Can anyone explain why a 40 pound 4-year-old can get the same covid vaccine as a 15 pound 6-month-old?

    I have a small baby (15 lbs) who is up to date on her regular vaccinations up to 6 months. My partner and I are both vaxxed & boosted with Pfizer, and we’re planning on having our daughter vaccinated asap before she starts daycare in August. I just feel nervous because she’s so small and young...
  5. L

    C-Section Babies and Probiotics. What’s the science?

    My little one is already 7 months old. He has a skin rash which could or could not be a cow milk protein allergy. We’ve been recommended by a pharmacy that we give him a type of biotic mix, but I’m sceptical (by nature!). I understand there’s been increasing interest in research looking into...
  6. R

    Starting a co-sleeping tradition - once a week

    Hi. Looking for opinions. We never co slept with our 3 year old son and I deeply regret this decision. A couple of times we did take naps together on vacations and it was absolutely wonderful. I am thinking of starting a small tradition where, say, every Thursday night we would all sleep...
  7. D

    Should I switch to front facing auto chair?

    My baby is 13mo. Big part of his leg is out of the rear facing. auto chair. Should I switch? He’s 11kg (24 pounds) and 75 cm (2’5’’). In my country he fits both criteria, for rear and front facing. We will go on a 8h drive for the holidays and I’m wondering what is safest...
  8. C

    Interpretation of digital thermometer readings

    Can anyone link me to an authoritative source on how to interpret armpit readings from a digital thermometer? Our digital thermometer always measures low - it gives readings of 36ish C (oral) for my husband and I when well, and 35ish C (armpit) for baby when he's well. Normal human body...
  9. B

    Bivalent COVID vaccine for 9 month old who had COVID at 7 months?

    I’m trying to figure out what the right thing to do is. Do I get my son his bivalent vaccine for COVID? He will start daycare in March when he turns one year old. We all just had COVID in October when he was 7 months. My mother is weary about me getting him the shot. Before we had COVID, I felt...
  10. E

    Is a floor bed not recommended for an infant b/c of the mattress?

    I tried finding an answer w. the AAP but I’m having no such luck. I’m wondering if the reason montessori floor beds aren’t recommended for a child younger than 1/2 is b/c of the mattress. Because I can’t think of any other reason, aside from them flipping but they’re close to the floor so that...
  11. S

    Death of 3 close family members and a 5 y.o.- how to tell/process

    Question: how to tell a small child their grandma that they were really close with died. Child is already stressing about family members dying due to prior loss. Background: We live in a three generational home. My parents (up till recently), me and my husband,our 5yo and a 7 day old newborn...
  12. Q

    Mastitis - both sides

    Hi, I have a mastitis since 48 hours now which feels terrible, as it is in both sides. The breasts and nipples hurt a lot, but I cannot feel any large cloggings and the breasts are quite soft. However, some parts are red and I have high temperature. My gynecologist determined the CRP value...
  13. R

    Exclusively breastfeeding vs Pumping?

    Hi everyone! I’m a first time new mom with a 2.5 week old baby. I’m so happy to have her home and healthy as I myself had quite the fertility journey, and she had a very short NICU stay after her birth. I’m currently pretty much pumping exclusively as my baby isn’t the best at breastfeeding -...
  14. M

    Had an endodontic procedure very early in first pregnancy, looking for reassurance (X-rays, local anesthesia w/ epi, sodium hypo, etc.)

    Hello all! I recently became pregnant for the first time. I conceived on the 13th, so that puts me at about 1 month pregnant? I already had a temporary filling from a few months ago for a tooth that needed a root canal. The pain came back, so I scheduled the procedure. Today, instead of having...
  15. I

    4 month Sleep Regression Research

    Hi y’all, We seem to have hit the notorious 4 month sleep regression phase. Everything I’ve read about this seems to say: Babies are now sleeping in more mature patterns (lighter sleep phases, waking to check their surroundings, etc.) That they’ll get confused if they fall asleep elsewhere...
  16. S

    Pediatrician’s perspective on pumped breast milk

    ETA UPDATE: Which is primarily to say thank you so much to everyone for taking the time to read & engage with this post. For those of you not familiar with exclusive pumping, many of us found our way to this form of feeding after nursing didn’t succeed- often times quite emotionally. Only to say...
  17. T

    5.5 month old used to sleep through the night, now waking constantly

    From 6 weeks old my baby slept from 9 pm-4 am and then 4 am-7:30/8. Two weeks ago she started to wake as soon as we laid her down and then every 1-2 hours when we finally managed to get her to sleep. She is EBF and latches only, she sleeps in a packnplay in our room, and uses a pacifier. She...
  18. K

    Science on parent care vs. Day care

    TL;DR: what is the science (if any) on the advantages/disadvantages of children between 1 and 2 y/o staying home with parent versus being in a daycare centre? My son is 15 months. For the first year, his mom/my wife was off work taking care of him. She went back to work after a year, and I...
  19. C

    Infant Probiotics: B. Lactis or L. Reuteri?

    Overwhelmed by options for probiotics. I had my daughter on Gerber “gentle” probiotics with Vitamin D. The strain in them is b lactis. I went to buy them again and see a different type, the “soothe” ones, popping up more and that uses the strain l reuteri. “Gentle” says that’s b.lactis is the...
  20. J

    Ambient noise and other low movement videos around babies?

    We try not to watch a lot of "real" TV (I.e., sports, sitcoms, etc. with lots of sounds and movement) but we do enjoy having ambient soundscape videos (such as a video of a crackling fireplace or a woods scene with light music) and actual-play streams of D&D (so, a scene of a bunch of people...