all advice welcome

  1. M

    Had an endodontic procedure very early in first pregnancy, looking for reassurance (X-rays, local anesthesia w/ epi, sodium hypo, etc.)

    Hello all! I recently became pregnant for the first time. I conceived on the 13th, so that puts me at about 1 month pregnant? I already had a temporary filling from a few months ago for a tooth that needed a root canal. The pain came back, so I scheduled the procedure. Today, instead of having...
  2. I

    4 month Sleep Regression Research

    Hi y’all, We seem to have hit the notorious 4 month sleep regression phase. Everything I’ve read about this seems to say: Babies are now sleeping in more mature patterns (lighter sleep phases, waking to check their surroundings, etc.) That they’ll get confused if they fall asleep elsewhere...
  3. S

    Pediatrician’s perspective on pumped breast milk

    ETA UPDATE: Which is primarily to say thank you so much to everyone for taking the time to read & engage with this post. For those of you not familiar with exclusive pumping, many of us found our way to this form of feeding after nursing didn’t succeed- often times quite emotionally. Only to say...
  4. T

    5.5 month old used to sleep through the night, now waking constantly

    From 6 weeks old my baby slept from 9 pm-4 am and then 4 am-7:30/8. Two weeks ago she started to wake as soon as we laid her down and then every 1-2 hours when we finally managed to get her to sleep. She is EBF and latches only, she sleeps in a packnplay in our room, and uses a pacifier. She...
  5. K

    Science on parent care vs. Day care

    TL;DR: what is the science (if any) on the advantages/disadvantages of children between 1 and 2 y/o staying home with parent versus being in a daycare centre? My son is 15 months. For the first year, his mom/my wife was off work taking care of him. She went back to work after a year, and I...
  6. C

    Infant Probiotics: B. Lactis or L. Reuteri?

    Overwhelmed by options for probiotics. I had my daughter on Gerber “gentle” probiotics with Vitamin D. The strain in them is b lactis. I went to buy them again and see a different type, the “soothe” ones, popping up more and that uses the strain l reuteri. “Gentle” says that’s b.lactis is the...
  7. J

    Ambient noise and other low movement videos around babies?

    We try not to watch a lot of "real" TV (I.e., sports, sitcoms, etc. with lots of sounds and movement) but we do enjoy having ambient soundscape videos (such as a video of a crackling fireplace or a woods scene with light music) and actual-play streams of D&D (so, a scene of a bunch of people...
  8. P

    Anyone turn FF earlier than they hoped due to motion sickness?

    Important disclaimer: we won’t turn FF before 2-2.5 (will do everything to make it to 2.5) no matter what. My son is currently 22 months. We travel by car pretty regularly. Our parents live 2 and 4 hours away, we do a lot in the city an hour away, and we vacation at a cabin 6 hours away several...
  9. C

    Toddler seems acutely upset by getting ‘in trouble’

    For behavioral discipline, we use ‘time-in’s’ with our nearly 4 y/o. This looks like going to a book nook corner, calming down, being mindful, and discussing whatever had just happened. At daycare, they do time outs. I feel like lately, when I say we are going to do a time-in, he gets nearly...
  10. O

    Home air quality priorities?

    I'd like to decide what to prioritize in a recent home purchase, accounting for monetary cost (assuming we're not wealthy) and value to health for us and our children. One member of the household has mild asthma. Hardwood floors: we're refinishing floors (before we move in). Of course we'll be...
  11. T

    Breech baby, planned C Section, any benefits of going into labor before C Section?

    I'm 38+3, and my baby is breech so my provider has scheduled a C Section at 39+5. I asked her what if I go into labor before the scheduled C Section and she wasn't concerned just said come to the hospital, they'll check if the baby is still beech and then just move up the C Section. I've...
  12. J

    Timeline of mastering vowels

    Hello all. I couldn't find any information on the web regarding the expected ages to start pronouncing different vowels. Our 14 months old is ok-ish when it comes to speech development - she makes up her own words and says some syllables standing for real words. However, she only ever uses 2...
  13. L

    17 month old starting daycare: more short days or fewer full days?

    I’m going back to work soon after being home with my LO who is almost 17 months. I’m going to be starting a new job and am lucky that it’s very flexible, part time and super close to home. I’m really nervous about my son being in daycare as he’s very attached to me and pretty slow to warm up...
  14. C

    My 9-month old hates solids, help!

    Hiya everyone! I have a 9-month old daughter who eats very little solids throughout the day ( like half a small bowl of porridge and half slice bread in the whole day). We have tried giving her finger foods, introducing variety (fruits, veggies, cereals, dals etc). But nothing has helped. Now a...
  15. O

    Vaccine help: Florida, under 3

    Greetings, good people. Cutting right to the point: child under 3 vaccinated for COVID (Moderna) in my home state (not Florida), but will be in FL when he needs his second dose (3-6 weeks after first does). Health Department says it's probably not possible as there are 'issues' in FL; FL...
  16. G

    Father of a Six Week Old. Feeding volume question & inquiry with regards to a dramatic behavior change

    Context: First time parents, so teach us the way. Breastfed 90% of the time, bottle-fed with breast milk otherwise. At six weeks old and a pretty average size, he is pulling 100mL (plus) in breast milk in a 20-30 min feeding Usually wants about 120mL from a bottle when bottle-fed for the past...
  17. J

    When is it safe to let young kids spend the night as someone else's?

    Hello y'all,n thank you for this community! I wish to now if there is a scientifically proven age when being put to sleep by someone else than the parents is good for developement - or even appropriate. For context: My and my partner have a 14 month old girl. I am staying at home right now...