all advice welcome

  1. P

    3 y/o biting himself

    Hi all, over the last month or so our almost 3 year old has been biting himself during tantrums. When he first did it, mom and I reacted by changing the context of the situation, picking him up and telling him not to hurt himself, caressing and behaving calmly, so I think he learned that the...
  2. T

    Should I wait for the updated covid vaccine for my 8 month old?

    I’m thinking about getting my 8 month old vaccinated next week with the first dose of the current covid vaccine. However, I heard that there’s a new vaccine coming out in September or October that will target the Omicron XBB sub variants…should I wait for that one since it’s the most up to date...
  3. F

    Should I pull toddler out of daycare?

    This is a cross post from r/toddlers. But I’d like some advice from this subreddit from a science perspective. My 2.5 toddler just started part time preschool for the first time. She is there mostly for socialization as I am still on maternity leave with my second who is 6 months (will be...
  4. S

    Husband has concerns over Covid vaccine

    Hi all, After much back and forth, my husband is finally on board to give our almost 9 month old daughter the pfizer covid vaccine. However, he is still sending me studies on myocarditis and has deep concerns with respect to the spike protein and exposure to it through the vaccine. From my...
  5. J

    I seem to have low Iorn, but my Doctor didn’t say anything to me about it

    Iron * 7.3 (10.0 - 30.0) umol/L Transferrin * 1.97 (2.10 - 3.80) g/L Saturation 15 (15 - 45) Ferritin 40 (30 - 200) What does this mean? I can’t get an appointment for a few weeks. I was going to try and conceive TODAY.. could someone please explain what this means? I’m not asking for medical...
  6. U

    Any articles on car seat time limit safety? Husband wants to take 6 m y/o on 25 hour trrip

    Hi all, My FIL is turning 70 in September and my husband's family wants to surprise him with a road trip down south (Toronto to Florida Keys) which they've done many times in only 2 days. I'm very hesitant to take our LO on this trip. I told him I'd stay behind with our son (who will be 6...
  7. S

    is introducing a pacifier at all a good idea?

    hello! I’m a soon to be first time mom who is planning to breastfeed as much as possible and pump the rest of the time. Is it a good idea to introduce a pacifier once baby turns 6-12 weeks old? I’ve heard it’s best to wait for breastfed babies to get latching down before giving them a pacifier...
  8. T

    Redshirting in preschool

    Hi there, I was curious to see if there is any research-based backing for "redshirting"/having children repeat a year of preschool. This is something I've been thinking a lot about after an interesting and somewhat disheartening preschool observation experience for my child (he will be 4 at...
  9. E

    First flight since 2019 w kids: help us assess risk of RSV (+ covid and flu) flying SF to Hawaii w 6 month old? -that cautious fam still masking

    How might you think about RSV risk for small children now? NY times writes about a twin-demic with covid, flu, and RSV hospitalizations rising. Early nov trip planned. We are that fam with a teeny baby. She is 9 months old and the size of a 6 month old. We also still mask but have a...
  10. X

    Cosleeping vs bed sharing for 4 month old

    Recently, my baby has started consistently waking up and screaming, unable to get back to sleep, while in her crib. We’re currently in a huge life transition that involves a ton of driving and hotels, so I’m hoping she improves once she settles down. At the moment, I am only getting 3-4 hours of...
  11. A

    Looking for reassurance. Can anyone explain why a 40 pound 4-year-old can get the same covid vaccine as a 15 pound 6-month-old?

    I have a small baby (15 lbs) who is up to date on her regular vaccinations up to 6 months. My partner and I are both vaxxed & boosted with Pfizer, and we’re planning on having our daughter vaccinated asap before she starts daycare in August. I just feel nervous because she’s so small and young...
  12. L

    C-Section Babies and Probiotics. What’s the science?

    My little one is already 7 months old. He has a skin rash which could or could not be a cow milk protein allergy. We’ve been recommended by a pharmacy that we give him a type of biotic mix, but I’m sceptical (by nature!). I understand there’s been increasing interest in research looking into...
  13. R

    Starting a co-sleeping tradition - once a week

    Hi. Looking for opinions. We never co slept with our 3 year old son and I deeply regret this decision. A couple of times we did take naps together on vacations and it was absolutely wonderful. I am thinking of starting a small tradition where, say, every Thursday night we would all sleep...
  14. D

    Should I switch to front facing auto chair?

    My baby is 13mo. Big part of his leg is out of the rear facing. auto chair. Should I switch? He’s 11kg (24 pounds) and 75 cm (2’5’’). In my country he fits both criteria, for rear and front facing. We will go on a 8h drive for the holidays and I’m wondering what is safest...
  15. C

    Interpretation of digital thermometer readings

    Can anyone link me to an authoritative source on how to interpret armpit readings from a digital thermometer? Our digital thermometer always measures low - it gives readings of 36ish C (oral) for my husband and I when well, and 35ish C (armpit) for baby when he's well. Normal human body...
  16. B

    Bivalent COVID vaccine for 9 month old who had COVID at 7 months?

    I’m trying to figure out what the right thing to do is. Do I get my son his bivalent vaccine for COVID? He will start daycare in March when he turns one year old. We all just had COVID in October when he was 7 months. My mother is weary about me getting him the shot. Before we had COVID, I felt...
  17. E

    Is a floor bed not recommended for an infant b/c of the mattress?

    I tried finding an answer w. the AAP but I’m having no such luck. I’m wondering if the reason montessori floor beds aren’t recommended for a child younger than 1/2 is b/c of the mattress. Because I can’t think of any other reason, aside from them flipping but they’re close to the floor so that...
  18. S

    Death of 3 close family members and a 5 y.o.- how to tell/process

    Question: how to tell a small child their grandma that they were really close with died. Child is already stressing about family members dying due to prior loss. Background: We live in a three generational home. My parents (up till recently), me and my husband,our 5yo and a 7 day old newborn...
  19. Q

    Mastitis - both sides

    Hi, I have a mastitis since 48 hours now which feels terrible, as it is in both sides. The breasts and nipples hurt a lot, but I cannot feel any large cloggings and the breasts are quite soft. However, some parts are red and I have high temperature. My gynecologist determined the CRP value...
  20. R

    Exclusively breastfeeding vs Pumping?

    Hi everyone! I’m a first time new mom with a 2.5 week old baby. I’m so happy to have her home and healthy as I myself had quite the fertility journey, and she had a very short NICU stay after her birth. I’m currently pretty much pumping exclusively as my baby isn’t the best at breastfeeding -...