
  1. K

    Moving baby to crib after NICU

    When did y’all move your baby to the crib? Our son was born 10 weeks early on February 29th. He spent 7.5 weeks in the NICU and has been home 8 weeks. So technically he is almost 4 months, but has an adjusted age of 6 weeks. He currently sleeps in our room in a bassinet, but naps during the day...
  2. F

    30+5 is now 4 months actual, 2 months adjusted. only drinks about 30-45 ml per feed

    My 30+5 weeker is now 4 months actual, 2 months adjusted. He has BPD and is home on oxygen 1L. He only drinks about 30-45 ml per feed, but eats every 1.5 to 2 hrs. He currently weighs 9 lbs 9 oz. He did come home on NG tube, but pediatrician agreed to stop using it and see if he gains weight w/o...
  3. M

    New to NICU w/ 27 years weeker. Brady spells

    Hi 👋 I’m new to the NICU world. Baby was born at 27w +2 due to preterm labor and pre-eclampsia. She’s been doing well overall and has been in NICU for 10 days now. She’s tolerating food ok, gaining weight, head scan is ok, heart rate is good, she has 1 IV line in her foot now where she gets...
  4. B

    New NICU Father. All help and advice please

    2 days ago my wife got rushed into surgery due to severe preeclampsia and also a diseased placenta. To save mother and baby’s life the birthed my little baby girl via c section at 25+5 weeks at a weight of 420g or 0.978 pounds. I am very scared and don’t know what to do, feel or think. My wife...
  5. C

    Chemical pregnancies

    My s/o are going on cycle 7 of ttc. We’ve both been through fertility work up, and though my eggs/amh/ pelvic anatomy is all normal, I was told my tsh was mildly elevated for someone trying to conceive. For reference, my doc wants a level
  6. B

    Feeling Guilty

    Our twin girls were born 2 days ago at 34 weeks, 2 days. They are doing great, on CPAP, learning how to take a bottle, have a few Brady episodes, but all typical stuff for their age. Baby A was 5 pounds 15 ounces, and baby B, 6 pounds, 8 ounces, so good size for gestational age. I had been here...
  7. K

    How long did your child fit in the Nuna Rava?

    My baby is turning 1 next week and the Doona is just getting too heavy and we rarely use the stroller feature. I really want the Nuna Rava and I found a local mom selling one in really good condition. It was purchased in July 2018 so that would make the expiration date July 2028. My child be...
  8. R

    Any advice?

    Hello, My husband (30M) and I (30F) have been trying for a baby since September 2022. When I was 23, I was diagnosed with stage 2 endometriosis (laparoscopically confirmed and treated). I was then put on the pill Cerelle (progesterone only) to prevent the endometriosis getting worse which I...
  9. J

    Lotus pack n play being on the floor

    I plan to get a Lotus because it is so travel friendly and easy to set up. My only concern is that it is on the ground compared to others that are like 6 inches of the ground. Has anyone had any issues with this? Is it hard to bend over and put them in? Do your dogs try to get in? Thanks in...
  10. M

    Pregnant 9-5 mamas

    This is both a vent post and a looking for advice post. I’m currently 26 weeks and I’m starting to find it difficult to get through the work day. I have honestly had a really easy pregnancy so far, have been physically active, healthy and overall having a good time. My job is a 9-5 office job at...
  11. B

    H E L P ! New mom - bottle feeding with Dr. Brown bottles using Enfamil A.R

    Hi All, I’m a new mom and I’m stressed looking for any advice or tips. My son is 6 weeks old and he is currently bottle feeding on Enfamil A.R. Due to acid reflux. He is taking 4 oz at once now - but I’ve noticed an increase in spitting up all the sudden again. Also, the formula is supposed...
  12. W

    Pumping more than baby is eating

    I’ve been really diligent about pumping every 3 hrs and fortunately have established a pretty good supply of almost 1000 mL/day. My baby is still in the hospital (38 weeks gestation) and taking about 500 mL/day. We are freezing the extra but I’m hoping to breastfeed when he gets home. If he’s...
  13. H

    Regulating Cycles

    Hi everyone, I’m so frustrated this month. My husband (29) and I (28) are on cycle 6 of TTC. Before this month, my cycles have been 29-32 days long. Right now I’m going on day 40! I’m so sad and frustrated. I’ve read the statistics about percentages of couples conceiving by month 6 and that has...
  14. J

    My TSH level jumped from 2.7 to 3.75 in about 5-6 weeks and now I’m scared

    I’m 27 weeks pregnant this week, and I see that my thyroid level came back as 3.75 and it was just 2.7 5-6 weeks ago. Prior to that, it was about 3.2 when my OBGYN discovered it and put my on a low dose of synthroid. What am I doing wrong? Why would it start at 3.2, go down to down to 2.7...
  15. A

    I’m 9.8 lbs away from my goal, ovulating in a few days…do I try or wait til next cycle?

    So, I’m currently 9.8 lbs away from hitting my goal (this will put me at the higher end of a normal BMI). My cycles are about 27-28 days typically, so very regular. I wanted to go into pregnancy at least with a normal BMI, hopefully setting myself up for a healthier pregnancy for both my baby...
  16. B

    Blocked Tubes and Low AMH

    Hi 👋🏾 ladies I am looking to get some tips as I start my IVF journey. AMH - 0.08-0.22 FSH - 6.6-24.9 Both tubes are blocked and damaged per my RE. She said IVF is my only course of action. I have Progyny so I have two IVF cycles covered and two transfers covered. Despite my complex case I...
  17. R

    What's the primary responsibility?

    I feel overwhelmed. I have 11 year old twin girls, a 9 year old son, and B/G twins who are almost a year. My husband and I are the parents of all, which is relevant because they are always with us. My husband owns a home based business and works every day usually from like 8:30 or 9 AM until...
  18. T

    Complex ovarian cyst?

    Fiancé and I have been ttc for about 3 months now, but haven’t had much luck. I think I had a chemical pregnancy during our first month of trying, but I’m not certain, as the days aren’t truly adding up. Around 7dpo I did get severe pelvic cramping and pain. It did however get better, and go...
  19. L

    WHY is my body expelling perfect babies? Devastated

    Sorry this is long but I really need some advice. Please help. I have a 3 year old kid. When he turned two we started trying for a second baby. It took us 7 months to conceive (and got pregnant in Jan 2023) which in itself was a huge surprise as we conceived within a month for my eldest...
  20. C

    So. Freaking. Burnt. Out

    I'm a SAHM to a very sweet, but very wild 2 year old. He hates sleeping. I'm 7 months pregnant. My husband is gone from 7:15 to 5:30 M-F. Our families live 2 hours away. We can't ever afford a sitter. Our options during the day are limited because of cov*d. All I do it cook, clean, and play with...