6 - 12 months

  1. S

    Sleep woes, 9 month old won’t stay asleep in his own bed

    I am really struggling with sleep for my 9 month old boy. We did modified Ferber for bedtime at about 5 months which worked well enough for a while he was putting himself to sleep at bedtime pretty quickly (a week or two of illness and he lost the skill and it was right when he could stand up...
  2. O

    Overnight cio?

    We've tried several things with naps and wake windows before just going to full cio overnight. After almost an hour he settled and fell asleep on his own. But a few minutes later he started crying, just a bit and he resettled. This cycle of asleep for a few minutes, little bit of crying...
  3. D

    Tummy Sleep

    Okay so my robust, extremely proficient at rolling, 7.5 month old baby… f*cking HATES being put in his cot and will scream bloody murder if put ‘butt in bed’ awake. I’m talking a blood curdling scream, coughing, shrieking. Hates it. Anyway so at the moment what I’m doing is he will protest and...
  4. R

    Weird wake up 2-3 hours after falling asleep

    We technically didn’t sleep train (one night was very rough and we had to track back) but did end up weaning pacifier at night time. It used to help LO (6mo) fall asleep instantly, independently with no intervention whatsoever the very first time put down awake. But pacifier was causing him to...
  5. B

    Mother refuses to help keep my daughter on a sleep schedule

    I live at home and I also have a 10 month old daughter. I work full time as a nurse on second shift, so I get home pretty late. I usually get home from work around 1AM. With that being said, my mother takes care of my daughter while I’m at work. When I come home at night, my daughter is waking...