6 - 12 months

  1. T

    7.5 month old waking every 1.5-2hrs

    Serial cat napper 30mins on the dot Wake windows are approximately 2 / 3 / 4 Solids twice a day She's only 5.85kg at 7.5 months, so not sure if that's a factor Anything that we should change in terms wake windows or feeding?
  2. R

    9 month sleep regression? Or just a cold?

    Our 9 month old started sleeping really well at night after a little crying she would take her self back to sleep and finally slept through a couple nights in a row but then we all got a cold. We are over our colds now but her sleep hasn’t recovered and I can’t tell if she’s over tired and...
  3. C

    I’m exhausted and it’s my 6 month olds fault

    This is the 4th week of gentle Ferber method. My baby will put himself to sleep at nap time and at the start of night, which is great and I’m proud of him for. Yet He goes to sleep at 7pm and will wake up at 10pm, 1/2am, 3/4am, 5/6am every night and cannot put himself back to sleep, no matter...
  4. H

    8mo missed second nap and slept amazingly. WHAT DOES IT MEAN

    Does this mean a) nothing: anomaly b) I need to reduce second nap a bit c) baby sleep is mysterious don’t even bother figuring it out Baby is a v solid napper, but a cries often at night (without getting up) sleep trained, 2 times a night feeder. She missed second nap due to a 5 minute car...
  5. E

    Taking Cara Babies v Ferber

    Hi all, My wife and I are losing our mind. My 5 y/o started sleeping through the night at 3 months, and never had much of a problem. My 9 month old though has never slept more than a few hours, will often fall asleep for thirty minutes at bed time then be awake until midnight, and wakes up...
  6. K

    Short naps after 3 to 2 transition

    After a very unexpected successful and painless 3 to 2 nap transition and almost 2 weeks of the 2 nap schedule my LO has started to wake up after 40 mins into a nap. I rescue every nap now. He used to have 2 x 1.5 hr - 1.75 hr naps. I usually plan about 3-3h20m of nap time. I switched to 2 naps...
  7. P

    Method advice for sleep training 10 m/o

    We’ve tried Ferber twice (5 months and 7 months) with no luck. I’m desperate to get this baby sleeping through the night. What method would you suggest for this 10 month old? Thanks!
  8. F

    PLS S.W.A.P

    To the author of this book - do you honestly think if my baby calmed down and went to sleep in her crib with just patting and singing that I’d be reading your fricking book in the first place. Honestly it’s like step 1 get your baby used to sleeping flat on their back, not on your body. Step 2...
  9. R

    Long last wake window

    Our daycare has a nap time for all its babies at 12 noon, but our kid (8.5 months) is getting close to dropping to two naps so we're trying to work out how this will work. At daycare, naps vary quite a bit, but on a typical day its something like : baby wakes at 7, naps 9-10, 12:15-1:45...
  10. E

    Ok which matters more: WWs or Total Nap Time/24 hr sleep?

    Me again haha. As I continue to try and tinker with my 7.5 month old's schedule to address the new EWT (5am and can't be rocked back down/extended in any way as of this week. He wakes up RARING to go and happy and not even all that hungry)...do I start with the experiment of longer WW before bed...
  11. S

    Sleep woes, 9 month old won’t stay asleep in his own bed

    I am really struggling with sleep for my 9 month old boy. We did modified Ferber for bedtime at about 5 months which worked well enough for a while he was putting himself to sleep at bedtime pretty quickly (a week or two of illness and he lost the skill and it was right when he could stand up...
  12. O

    Overnight cio?

    We've tried several things with naps and wake windows before just going to full cio overnight. After almost an hour he settled and fell asleep on his own. But a few minutes later he started crying, just a bit and he resettled. This cycle of asleep for a few minutes, little bit of crying...
  13. D

    Tummy Sleep

    Okay so my robust, extremely proficient at rolling, 7.5 month old baby… f*cking HATES being put in his cot and will scream bloody murder if put ‘butt in bed’ awake. I’m talking a blood curdling scream, coughing, shrieking. Hates it. Anyway so at the moment what I’m doing is he will protest and...
  14. R

    Weird wake up 2-3 hours after falling asleep

    We technically didn’t sleep train (one night was very rough and we had to track back) but did end up weaning pacifier at night time. It used to help LO (6mo) fall asleep instantly, independently with no intervention whatsoever the very first time put down awake. But pacifier was causing him to...
  15. B

    Mother refuses to help keep my daughter on a sleep schedule

    I live at home and I also have a 10 month old daughter. I work full time as a nurse on second shift, so I get home pretty late. I usually get home from work around 1AM. With that being said, my mother takes care of my daughter while I’m at work. When I come home at night, my daughter is waking...