6 - 12 months

  1. S

    Chair Method/Sleep Lady Shuffle - Success for my God Awful Sleeper

    Just wanted to share our success with using the method from Kim West’s book Good Night Sleep Tight. A few weeks ago I was scouring this sub for any success stories I could find with more gentle/gradual sleep training methods after we bailed on Ferber after one night (or should I say 4 minutes)...
  2. L

    Invented method: pretend you’re asleep, sleep training

    Our baby is almost 7 months and I usually feed him down, was planning to sleep train at 4 months and life has gotten in the way. Anyway, the last couple nights we fed him until he was drowsy and laid him in bed between my husband and I and we both (were so tired it was easy) we pretended to...
  3. L

    Dumb question about pack 'n plays

    We are weenie parents and have not traveled anywhere with baby, but we'd like to break that barrier this summer after 1st birthday. LO has slept exclusively in the crib since ST at 7 months, prior to that used to do stroller, carrier, and contact naps. We have a pack 'n play that we've been...
  4. A

    Rolling on tummy and freaking out - help

    New day, new adventure 🙃 My 7.5mo baby started rolling on her stomach as soon as I put her down for naps/night.. and then freaks out! I’ve tried to shush/Pat her but it doesn’t work, the only thing that works is giving her a paci and she’s out like a light — but, I removed the paci for night...
  5. D

    is 3/3/4 too much awake time for a 8 month old?

    I keep being told this but I thought this was recommended for two naps?
  6. J

    What do I dooooo

    So my 8 1/2 months baby girl is sleep trained (yay), but the last few nights have been weird. She wake up around 3:30/4 am and rolls to her belly then seems to get stuck that way? I tried to let her figure out but she seemed uncomfortable so I went in and rolled her back and left. She then...
  7. S

    What’s your schedule if baby wakes at 8-8:30 am?

    My baby is ALMOST 1 year! I find that bedtime keeps getting pushed later.. we use the huckleberry app religiously! We are still on two naps but I cap the last one to keep bedtime at a reasonable time. Our schedule is usually like: Wake 7/8 am First nap 10/11 am Second nap 2/3 pm I always...
  8. R

    Baby stopped sleeping through the night after an attempt at dropping dream feed

    My 7 month old used to sleep 7 pm to 7 am with one dream feed at 9:30 pm. I tried dropping the dream feed and that night he woke up crying uncontrollably for about an hour. Finally gave him a small feed so he’d stop crying and go back to sleep. But now, even after reintroducing the dream feed...
  9. G

    6 month old is a H.O.R.R.I.B.L.E sleeper, please help!!

    My 6 month old (almost 28 weeks) is currently still waking a million times a night and naps are sh!t still, always been a cat napper. She had reflux and colic (severely) as a newborn until she was about 3 months so sleep was always horrible, she still can’t fall asleep or stay asleep if she...
  10. N

    Early morning wakes (6m) - what to do about nap schedule

    My 6 month old is independent for nights and naps but has recently started waking for the day at 0530. Bedtime is 7, DWT is 7. Until recently we would give him a small bottle (4oz, normal is 7) and he would go back to sleep until we all woke up at 7. Lately he’s been having the bottle but then...
  11. D

    Starting to refuse 2nd nap on 2/3/4

    7 month old and sleep trained about 6 weeks ago. Shortly after sleep training he dropped from 3 naps to 2. The last several weeks, 2/3/4 (or often more like 2/3/3.5) was working well for us. He’d generally give 3 hours total nap time and 12-13 hours overnight. For the last 5 days or so he’s...
  12. D

    8.5 mos & nursing 2-3x/night

    Okay, folks. Here’s the deal. My son (Baby J) had 3 nights of sleep regression at 4 months & then slept through the night for 2 months straight. At 6 months, it just stopped all of a sudden. No noticeable changes in development, he had been in his own room for 3 weeks already, has never...
  13. C

    9 month old won’t sleep at daycare!

    Guys I’m lost - my 9 month old won’t sleep at daycare. They so naps from 12-2 and that’s the only nap he gets but he only does 30 minutes or so. Any tips recommended - daycare is going crazy and telling me he’s the only kid that doesn’t sleep and I’m wondering if they are going to kick us out...
  14. R

    Baby going to doctors tomorrow during nap time. What to do?

    Hi, first time mom and first time Reddit poster here so take it easy on me! Our LO generally sleeps well, 9mos and 4 days on 2 naps. Typical schedule is: W - 6am (some days as early as 5:30am but we don’t mind, he is sleep trained, and we just roll back his schedule by 15min) N - 9 -11am W -...
  15. S

    7 month old can’t tolerate normal first WW but otherwise schedule okay? Should I just roll with it??

    Title says it all… My 7 month old is yawning before he’s been awake an hour and totally loses it by about an hour 40 mins. The rest of his schedule seems more normal and he sleeps well at night but it’s horrible to have him be so overtired in the am. Advice? Schedule: 1.75 MAX and...
  16. A

    How many naps does your 8-9 month old take?

    Baby will be 9 months next week. I’m tired and confused on dropping a third nap. My baby is too tired for only two naps but with three naps she is waking at 430am (bedtime 6:30-7).
  17. B

    Are there any other babies who never had a set schedule?

    LO is now 11 months and we have never had a schedule. When she shows sleepy signs, we put her down for a nap. Most days now she naps twice, but sometimes naps 3 times (or even 4 the other day when she was really tired). I am a pretty structured person and before I had her thought we would HAVE...
  18. S

    Sleep issues b/c of our small house

    I've recently switched my 8mo to a 2 nap schedule it's about 2.5/3/3.5. She goes down awake & independently for her 1st nap and always sleeps 1.5hrs. This nap is in her older sisters room where it's very dark & sound machine of course. There is always zero crying- she loves sleeping in there...
  19. F

    S.O.S! Mayday! Overtired cycle disaster, I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO

    PLEASE help. 9.5 month old, never been a phenomenal sleeper, but we co-slept and contact napped so that made up the difference. Now that he's older/more mobile/hitting milestones like crawling/standing, we're needing to transition to the crib, which lives in our bedroom (no other options). We...
  20. T

    7.5 month old waking every 1.5-2hrs

    Serial cat napper 30mins on the dot Wake windows are approximately 2 / 3 / 4 Solids twice a day She's only 5.85kg at 7.5 months, so not sure if that's a factor Anything that we should change in terms wake windows or feeding?