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    Oh, me? Just screaming into the void

    @gomnar Yup, TRIED NOT TO SPONTANEOUSLY COMBUST WHEN SHE TOLD ME. I was glad my face wasn’t visible.
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    Oh, me? Just screaming into the void

    @daughteroftheking84 The school has been enforcing a PRETTY HARD CORE Covid protocol, but I don’t think they can mandate anything outside of CDC/health dept guidance. ECE programs are understaffed, demoralized and in constant danger of closing. They have to walk the fine line to keep enrollment...
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    Oh, me? Just screaming into the void

    @daisym It starts to feel like it’s ALL gonna collapse… and then I need to take a deep breath and put Reddit down and shove all the feelings down into my little toe and be the present, patient, caring parent my child needs and deserves. Like we all try to do, every day. It just feels dire this month
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    Oh, me? Just screaming into the void

    @mikethomas Yes! Exactly! It’s maddening… my husband and I are juggling our jobs and a preschooler and half-assing it all.
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    Oh, me? Just screaming into the void

    Due to staggered positive tests/ isolation times, we just had to keep my 3 y/o home from day care/ preschool for 4 weeks (12/14 - 01/10). She’s been back a week and I just feel like we’re waiting for the other shoe to drop (aka “the fckening”)… Today, another mom in the class tells me they’re...