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    In desperate need of a break but husband won’t let my mom help me

    @luther27 All the major decisions hinge on him, yes—mainly in the name of his career (what cities/states we move to and live in, etc). Since he’s always made more money than me I kind of just went with it because I 1) didn’t want to act entitled (I just don’t believe I deserve a say for some...
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    In desperate need of a break but husband won’t let my mom help me

    @elrefale Ugh. I am so, so sorry that happened with your mom and your toddler. That’s absolutely egregious. I wish my husband understood that the issues with my mom are non-issues.
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    Karens at the gym told me I shouldn’t be working out because I’m pregnant

    @quilly I honestly don’t know if I would have stayed sane during my pregnancy without being active! I am 38 weeks and still swimming laps at the gym and doing strength training at home. I ran til I was 23 weeks, too, and throughout my workouts at the gym and running outdoors I never had any...
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    In desperate need of a break but husband won’t let my mom help me

    @johnmedias He claims to have many colleagues who don’t let grandparents babysit. While that may be true I feel like whatever issues there have been aren’t serious enough to warrant this situation continuing on and on.
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    In desperate need of a break but husband won’t let my mom help me

    @brucepjr Simply that nothing is black and white. She’s very image-conscious and has a toxic diet-culture outlook. I have been open with her about how I don’t want this to be a part of my daughter’s life and she does appear to understand.
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    In desperate need of a break but husband won’t let my mom help me

    @dawn16 She’s definitely not an addict! Again, I’ve had my issues with her but mother daughter relationships can be complex as I’m sure all of us here know intimately.
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    In desperate need of a break but husband won’t let my mom help me

    In the past my husband has said he doesn’t want our daughter to receive any clothes as gifts after age 1 because of the fear that getting the wrong size could cause body image issues (this is something I told him happened to me as a kid). Our daughter is 13 months and for one of her Christmas...
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    Check out this thread to read how difficult 1 to 2 really is

    @katrina2017 That’s actually a brilliant idea
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    Check out this thread to read how difficult 1 to 2 really is

    @servewithlove Threads like these are what make me continue to firmly be one and done.
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    Still hiking at 32 weeks!

    @eurombrem Look at you!! We love to see it! This really inspires me