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  1. J

    10 Year Old Can't Read or Count

    @ichabod The first that came to my mind is auditory processing disorder. The baby talk and daytime peeing…might be cognitive delay of some type. I also wonder if there is any chance she is being or has been sexually abused? Edit to add: You haven’t said that mom is alarmed by the...
  2. J

    Do y’all also do this to your kids?

    @tobi80 You already know what needs to be done. Whatever your routine chores are needs to be done repeatedly over time. Make yourself a list in the notes app of your phone, and set alarms to go off periodically to remind you to do the chores on that schedule. This way everyone wins. The house...
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    1 year old with gross motor delay and poor appetite. Constantly told everything is “fine”

    @boanerges1989 I suggest cross posting this to r/askdocs. Include her most recent length and weight measured at the pediatrician’s office and the exact age she was (months + weeks) when the measurements were taken.
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    How to say this

    @jime Spend your nannying hours helping him learn elementary math. He doesn’t need a tutor for that. Start with making sure he knows his math tables. The tables are the foundation of all math. Make flash cards with him. Start with adding up to 12 + 12, then subtracting. Show him that adding...
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    [Serious] Parents who feel that preschool/pre-k teachers are “just babysitters”: why do you feel that way?

    @andy90210 I’m not in the UK; I can only speak to parts of America. It’s well accepted that socialization and play are fundamental to development. I disagree think my idea of curriculum is significantly different from the integrated, child led curriculum endorsed by early childhood educators. My...
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    [Serious] Parents who feel that preschool/pre-k teachers are “just babysitters”: why do you feel that way?

    @naomi_sarai Very many preK locations are just socialization and entertainment without any educational curriculum. There are many that advertise that they offer a curriculum, but they do not.