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    I need some input

    @saharali19 This! If you miss them at home and they're not of the age where they're required to be in school then take em out. We're about to do this with my 2yo and I've found myself getting excited about all the adventures we can go on now and the classes I can sign him up for
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    Child not speaking second language

    @watcherkohen Does your husband have 1:1 time with her where he only speaks Spanish? Also I get my books from the library. I have a wishlist of toddler books that I'll add to whenever I hear about a new one I want to try, and then will cross check online with my library system and put it on hold...
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    How do deal with limits of OPOL for a non native speaker?

    @fireblaze Can you set up playdates with other Mandarin speakers in your area? That way you can lean on other parents for at least some of the gaps in your knowledge.
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    What to expect of a bilingual 2-year old?

    @newbelieverinchrist My newly 2yo used to be better at switching when he was younger, but now just seems to assume that others understand him automatically. I'm thinking it's just developmental