I need some input


New member
I currently am home with my 6 month old and my 2.5yo goes to preschool. He’s been there for a year and has friends and loves his teachers. However, I’m really missing him at home. Would it be terrible for me to withdraw him and stay home with him until he goes to pre-k (he’d go at 5 since he has a late birthday)? We’d use the extra money to get memberships to an indoor playground and possibly start him in a sport so he can still interact with other toddlers. Is this crazy? Should I keep him since he has a routine? Is he young enough to where it doesn’t matter? My family thinks I should keep him in but his dad obviously prefers him at home. I just need some input!
@treetreetop I’m a SAHM and sent both of my older kids to preschool starting around 3yo. 3 half days. It was so great for them, mainly socially but also academically. My oldest started kindergarten this year and he was more than prepared and transitioned so easily (5 full days). I would say keep him in if it’s been working well. There doesn’t seem to be a reason to pull him out now.
@treetreetop Bad idea. Don't do it. Have you discussed with your Dr about PPD? If your son is well adjusted at preschool, pulling him out to keep him at home can cause some separation issues.
@midnightrain Yes I have PPD/A, OCD, and ADHD. We’re figuring out a medication that works best for me. He’s moving up to a new class with new teachers and kids so that prompted me to think about it
@treetreetop I shouldve added. I was having this issue with my middle child, my son. It was PPD, and he was not well adjusted and had separation anxiety because of me. It was actually the teachers and administrators of the school that came to my aid and pretty much begged me not to pull him out of school. Today, he is almost 18 and VP of his class and a straight A student.
@treetreetop My 3yo does a three day a week 9-1 and it's great. I also have a 1.5 and enjoy the one on one time with her. Gives us all 2 full weekdays together. I was on the fence about bumping her up to five days when school starts again, but this has been working so well and like you, I find myself missing the little ball of chaos. It's good for toddlers to see the same group of kids and develop social relationships with their peers.
@treetreetop You’re going to be just fine OP. Do it. The only thing you’re going to regret, is not having done it sooner.

✅ You won’t miss precious memories
✅ You’re going to teach him, love him, and give him that 1 to 2 ratio vs (I’m not sure class sizes but I’m going with a cool 21 if it’s anything like NC pub sch)
✅You’re going to find yourself having more money

They already flee the nest early enough, we don’t always have to shove them.

You got this, OP 👏🏼
@treetreetop I dunno, I took my 2.5 y/o out when I decided to quit and stay home with my second. I have a lot of fun with her and like, her daycare was great and she loved her teacher and talking about her friends but she has her whole life to be in school and I love having her with me. She is a total sponge right now - it is so fun watching her absorb things and explain them back to me, or pick up habits or songs I don't even realize I'm exposing her to. It is hard to juggle sometimes but I would probably be losing my mind bored and missing my toddler (it's too quiet when she is gone!) so I'm glad to have both. If you have an option for part-time definitely look into it so for the flexibility it would give you, but I totally get wanting to have the toddler home too!
@saharali19 This! If you miss them at home and they're not of the age where they're required to be in school then take em out. We're about to do this with my 2yo and I've found myself getting excited about all the adventures we can go on now and the classes I can sign him up for
@treetreetop My kids have never gone to preschool. I asked my pediatrician about socialization and he said "you guys are people...aren't you" with a confused look on his face.

Joking aside, I've asked 3 doctors and all said socialization before 3 or 4 isn't even a thing with toddlers. They all go and play in their own corners for the most part. I am sure the extra time at home with you guys and extra activities on the side would be wonderful and rewarding for all of you.