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  1. Q

    Postpartum hemorrhoids??

    @jcd1284 I would go straight to a specialist! I went to my OB and my GP and neither of them could help me. Once I went to a colorectal surgeon things started to get better!!
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    Postpartum hemorrhoids??

    @jcd1284 I wrote this to OP but I’m going to share with you too because I describes it this way as well and maybe this can help you! I had that and thought it was a hemorrhoid too. I spent the first month after birth crying at every bowel movement and would be in pain for hours afterward. I...
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    Q about rocking a 1.3 month old baby to sleep

    @sportsfanatic How are you rocking her?
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    Painful sex 9 wks after c section getting worried

    @makerkent I’m 8 months pp after a vag delivery and still have the exact pain you’re describing. It’s horrible! Are you breastfeeding? I’ve learned that it can be the hormones from that.
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    Painful sex 9 wks after c section getting worried

    @jluponeage Thanks! I’ll have to look into getting the PT in my area. I think I’ve heard that cream can affect milk supply and I’m already barely a just enougher so I’m nervous about getting it!
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    Painful sex 9 wks after c section getting worried

    @redeemed123 Were you breastfeeding? I’m just curious if the therapy will still help this issue even while breastfeeding (bc I’ve been told this pain is due to breastfeeding hormones)
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    Baby wearing outdoors in the winter?

    @woolz Amazing!! So good to hear you liked it because I live in a very cold area!
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    Baby wearing outdoors in the winter?

    @aishaaa People seem to like this one!
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    Baby wearing outdoors in the winter?

    @aishaaa I’m going to get the jacket extender for baby wearing so I can still wear my winter coat and keep baby warm!