Q about rocking a 1.3 month old baby to sleep


New member
my niece is 39 days old and when she wants to sleep and her mother can't breastfeed her or it doesn't work, I rock her in a specific way that she always stops crying .. then yawn and eventually sleep .. the way i rock her might be too hard but it works

then we read that it might causes micro bleeding in the brain and could be fatal..

is it really bad ?
and what ways I could use to make her sleep ? especially when she gets into episodes of scream crying she rejects breastfeeding too and nothing works on her
it's happening alot especially at night we don't know what to do
@sportsfanatic Are you forcefully throwing her head back and forth? Or “shaking” her?

If she’s scream crying often and long and having trouble breastfeeding it would be good to see a pediatrician. She might have a food allergy, thrush, an infection, a bad latch, birth trauma, reflux,…

we have a crybaby/colicky baby and when she gets into one of her episodes nothing helps. She just cries through her entire wake window until she’s exhausted herself and falls asleep. All we can do is hold her, sway her, and try to talk to her hoping these things comfort her somewhat.
@debsie22 she isn't showing any other sign that suggests a medical issue so her parents decided to not take her to a pediatrician.

she’s exhausted herself and falls asleep

that's exactly what it happening with her. But these days she got better at the crying part, but still sometimes cry at breastfeeding .. might check your suggestions
thanks 4 your insight
@sportsfanatic I suggest having breast milk collected via Hakaa and use it when the mother has trouble breastfeeding. You can use a cup to feed her so there isn’t nipple confusion.
I believe the best way to soothe an upset baby is to walk around with the baby on your chest skin to skin with a blanket covering them.

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