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    Pet Peeve On These Parenting Reddits..

    @shaughnessyym People need to read better 🤪
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    Pet Peeve On These Parenting Reddits..

    @shaughnessyym IDK why people are so offended with this, sorry you got downvoted. Literally a book was made to present the information in the most logical way vs a Reddit comment which may not be fully comprehensive. Agreed if the question came with specificity like already tried ABC from book...
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    Regression?! WTF is going on over here!

    @hunter14 At the same stage as you are, OP. My LO consistently wakes up at 2am-4am and takes about an hour of going back and forth with him before he settles at 5am. The one night that worked for us with only 1 short wake up was when we had huge sleep debt from the day where we had 4 naps but...
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    Tight hip flexors postpartum

    @siege777 I found this Reddit post (link below) yesterday that might be related to core strength and stability. I might give this a go. My hamstrings also got incredibly tight in addition to hip flexors so they might be overcompensating for my weaker core...
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    6 month eating from syringe, fights bottle.

    @prophoss You can do it! Be strong. After painfully trudging through the mud with it, the more strictly you follow the guidance, the sooner it will resolve.
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    Tight hip flexors postpartum

    @siege777 OP, I have the exact symptoms as you - also c section and 6 months pp with a regular workout routine as well. Did you find anything else that helps besides stretching?
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    6 month eating from syringe, fights bottle.

    @fx1 I know, it’s so scary to watch them not eat for weeks and weeks. We didn’t even know we were making the problem worse by re-offering, and my mom who was helping out at the time was obsessed with feeding him because of his low intake. After she left I properly followed the book and he was...
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    6 month eating from syringe, fights bottle.

    @fx1 Seconding this. Also, OP, referencing your original post, maybe just stop at 5oz if you’ve offered twice and they declined. Re-offering over and over only makes the aversion worse. My LO was also having 32oz at one point at went as low as 16oz when he had an aversion, now he’s back to...
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    Seeking advice for difficult bottle feedings when awake

    @cow_boy Sounds like a possible bottle aversion. It tends to happen around this age as well. Reco reading Rowena Bennetts book to address and reducing any kind of pressure you’re giving for her to eat