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    Do you have a landline? How would your kids make emergency calls?

    @allegrolinda3 Extra cellphone
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    Do you have a landline? How would your kids make emergency calls?

    @allegrolinda3 We have a house phone that is available for use by anyone in the house. It is great not just for emergencies but a phone the kids can use to talk to friends and family and one of us can use as a backup phone in case our phone is broken until we get a new one.
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    Overstimulated and drowning

    @xypnios Can you call your old psychiatrist in Oregon and ask for help. Tell them about your money issues and not having someone in Arkansas that can help you. It's a long shot but one worth taking. They may be able to help you track down a good psychiatrist who is willing to work with you n...
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    How to teach a 6 year old to read

    @amore_amibo Start by sounding out the letters and making them guess what the letter is. Also while reading a book occasionally stop and have him say the word then point to the letters and have him tell you the letters then say the word again. Start with easy words like the, on, up, etc... Once...
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    Advice please for 6 F daughter

    @theocrooks You are doing fine. That's pretty much how it hould go. The only difference is that it is okay sometimes. Both my kids enjoyed bath time with mom and dad and occasionally they walk in on me peeing or like tonight my oldest was in the bathroom and I really needed to poop. He unlocked...
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    Should my baby stay over night at her other set of grandparents? Or am I over reacting?

    @josiah714 He needs to learn how babies work. My oldest could go to whoever in whatever environment whenever. He just didn't care. My youngest when she was first born wouldn't go to anyone but me and my oldest. It's funny because my oldest would sing to her while I was pregnant every night...
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    Should my baby stay over night at her other set of grandparents? Or am I over reacting?

    @josiah714 Why haven't you been taking the baby over their house to help acclimate them to their home environment? I do get it since my youngest had a harder time with new environments and people than my oldest. It took a while to get her acclimated with my parents and their home. We had to...