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    The fiance wants security

    @cloveerforever did she actually say this?
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    Do you give your children medication (e.g. Tylenol) when they have a fever?

    @jaxson Doc here. of course i give meds! If only for comfort, a high fever and associated symptoms are really uncomfortable. i also believe the earth is not flat, fwiw.
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    The fiance wants security

    @cloveerforever wait. 'your expectations of me making 25% more that we dont need is unreasonable. it causes a lot of stress, not only b/c of the demand, but the lack of understanding, which i deal with by drinking more. I need you to stop this and also quit threatening me, its not good for us...
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    The fiance wants security

    @cloveerforever you might not be taking crazy pills now, but you might have when you still had more easily exercised options but didn't You might not be married, but having a child sure complicates this. i would have a really straight up convo about expectations and needs..yours, too..and try...
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    My cousin refers to her 4 m/o son as her boyfriend

    @lpapolczy ask her how she thinks that all sounds to the regular folk and maybe encourage her to look a bit mor into it.
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    How to say this

    @jime Tell her that unless she gets a tutor you will quit. What he needs is above your pay grade, and besides, neither of us really believe it's an either/or situation here but a control struggle in their family.
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    Room search’s

    @patdog122482 It would seem to me that the loss of your mom just a year ago and his g/f moving in would be enough upheaval here so he'd at least be distracted from whatever it is that has him so anxious about your space. I would talk with him about this and ask him why he's so anxious and maybe...
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    1 year old with gross motor delay and poor appetite. Constantly told everything is “fine”

    @boanerges1989 Can you pay for a second opinion? it's rightly terrifying when parents hear unexpected things/confirmation from a doc or other authority, even if they're accurate, without any context. Saying "Gross delay" is scary, and then to add 'wait and see' is both poor bedside manner and...
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    1 year old with gross motor delay and poor appetite. Constantly told everything is “fine”

    @boanerges1989 where is this? Gross motor delay is indeed a dx. That you then say it isn't is confusing, how'd the doc determine this? A delay isn't necessarily indicative of something permanent, the issue is if it is so or if it is just the typical variation in development. Sounds like...