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  1. S

    Parents, how much would you be willing to pay to send your child to a private in home pre-k?

    @bookreader66 In my area, preschool and daycare are classified as different things. You can find a daycare that is also a preschool and this is what I go with because I need year round care. If I just wanted a preschool and didn't need care over summer, I would be willing to pay $200 a week...
  2. S

    If your child saw a demon or h go dot would you believe them?

    @owly My child had a fever dream that spiders were crawling all over her. She would not be convinced there were no spiders on her with the lights on and all her blankets on the floor. Of course, I knew this was a fever dream. I didn't tell her what she thought wasn't real. I stayed with her...
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    Is it selfish to have kids with large age gaps, 10+ years?

    @aog17 I have two and they are 10 years apart. It took me that long to decide to get pregnant again. My kids adore each other, but don't have a lot in common. Its basically like both of them get the only child experience but also get to have a sibling, that connection to someone else. Its not...
  4. S

    Does anyone else have a completely healthy older kiddo that still wets the bed?

    @nyanmaru Mine did until 10-11. The alarm kind of worked until he started disconnecting it or sleeping through it. The pediatrician didn't see it as a problem and I figured that he got into a deep sleep and just didn't wake up. I didn't make a big deal about it. He grew out of it at the end of...