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    Can anyone else relate?

    @jlhargus No worries. If you're the creative type I have found making things extremely helpful, like baby clothes and quilts. So far I have only made them for others but I see it as getting up my skills for my own baby (and I'm keeping my favourite fabric for myself). It really gets the stress...
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    Can anyone else relate?

    @jlhargus The thing I've found that helps is concrete, physical steps. For example: - have a pre natal appointment with your doctor to discuss pregnancy and go over anything of concern eg iron levels - start prenatal vitamins - eat healthy foods, exercise - decluttering the house - deep cleaning...
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    When to come off the pill

    @eniya I went off it in early Dec, I've been through one natural cycle and it was weird, and I could tell my hormones were a bit all over the place. I started taking prenatals when I came off it too. We're using condoms for the next cycle, and will start TTC after that (late Feb). I know four...
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    Imposible decision

    @dan2804 I personally don't have an issue with you phrasing it so bluntly, because it is true and your husband needs to understand the gravity of the issue at hand. I am back WTT after we reached our trying date and my husband freaked out a bit. This was very hurtful and worrying for me. We...