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    Unpopular question

    @josephjohnjohnston Combination birth control such as Diane prevent ovulation. So no, even without yuzpe you wouldn’t ovulate. This sub is for helping people with actual scenarios, not imagined ones. If you have pregnancy anxiety that will make it worse.
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    Unpopular question

    @josephjohnjohnston In your last post, you’d been on Diane for 3 months?
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    10 negative 1 positive?

    @snowlico Okay you’re definitely not pregnant, a test would be blazing positive at this point and you’ve had a period since then, you have nothing to worry about! Digitals are know for being unreliable, use pink dye tests for the easiest to read
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    10 negative 1 positive?

    @snowlico Hi OP! Can I just ask a couple of questions? was the last time you had sex in February? when you said the doctor said you’re 6 weeks, what was this based on? was the positive test a digital?
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    After Ovulation

    @ineedjusus216 If you read the FAQs (number 4) it explains more that there is no link between bleeding and implantation
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    After Ovulation

    @ineedjusus216 Implantation bleeding isn’t a real thing
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    After Ovulation

    @ineedjusus216 The sporting could be related to the plan B, or the start of your period, the only way to know will be to test with the timeline I mentioned above
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    After Ovulation

    @ineedjusus216 How are you tracking ovulation? If you aren’t ready for a child use contraception, pull out is 78% effective with typical use over a year. Take a test 14 days after sex for an accurate result and 21 days for a definitive result.
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    Pregnancy scare after protected sex

    @anonymousduck @donaldbjohnson described it well above - there was no risk and Yuzpe was unnecessary - your symptoms are from the big dose of birth control. It would be too early for any pregnancy symptoms at this point too, but again you have no risk of pregnancy