10 negative 1 positive?


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Confused about my “pregnancy”

Hiya, this might seem quite long and confusing but I’m looking for any sort of help I can get!

So it starts;
February 15th me and my partner had unprotected s*x,
I was late in receiving my hormonal injection contraceptive aswell.

The next day 16th of February;
I took the morning after pill.

On the 29th- the 2nd of March I have very light bleeding, (which is common for me to have short light periods)

I took my first pregnancy test on the 5th of March: negative

I also received the hormonal contraceptive injection on the 6th of March.

12 of March I took another pregnancy test: negative

21st of March I took another pregnancy test: negative

26th I took a pregnancy test: negative

29th first day of missed period; took a test; negative

1st of April 4 days late: negative test

7th of April, 10 days late: negative test.

12 of April ,15 days late; positive test. 1-2weeks

13 of April, 16 days late: negative test.

15th of April, 18 days late; negative test.

I have had a really bad previous experience with pregnancy and I have a genuine fear and anxiety about becoming pregnant, my last pregnancy I had severe HG and was hospitalised.
Me or my partner don’t want children, so this is a huge shock, but it feels different I don’t feel that I’m pregnant, it was super obvious the first time but I feel fine, only thing I am getting is almost like a period cramping every now and then (not often).
No bleeding or anything.
The doctors said I’m actually 6 weeks not 1-2 but either of them don’t make sense to me.
Any help? Am I actually pregnant? Or is my body and mind tricking me into thinking I am because I have so much anxiety about it.
Is it a chemical pregnancy?
@snowlico You’re not pregnant. From the “1-2 weeks” you keep saying i’m gonna guess it was a digital you took. Which are dogshit.
@rjl Seconded on this, recently had a scare, took one for a peace of mind which instead showed 1-2 weeks, which made us confused, as we abstain due to such risks. Not sure why the digital cost much more and are not accurate
@smf06 Cruel marketing 😔. As cruel as some brands that claim to be "more than 99.9% accurate ### days before missed period due date"
@smf06 I can’t even understand why anyone would think a digital is more reliable than a line test in the first place but 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
Also just took another pregnancy test, first thing in the morning, no drinks or anything and has came back negative again. That’s 3 negative tests since my positive on the 12th
@snowlico Hi OP! Can I just ask a couple of questions?
  • was the last time you had sex in February?
  • when you said the doctor said you’re 6 weeks, what was this based on?
  • was the positive test a digital?
@synicalx Hiya,
•Yes the last time I had sex was February 15th

• I believe they went off the date of my last period which was feb 29th-2nd of March

•positive was a clear blue digital, 1-2 weeks

I also took a clear blue digital on the 26th of March and it was negative.
@snowlico Okay you’re definitely not pregnant, a test would be blazing positive at this point and you’ve had a period since then, you have nothing to worry about!

Digitals are know for being unreliable, use pink dye tests for the easiest to read
@snowlico There's a whole history of false-positive digitals in this and r/lineporn sub, I'll soon add a link to some of the posts in P.S. If your digital is a true positive, a pink dye should be a positive too.

P.S: here it is
@shybow All my previous and current tests have been negative, and they have all been pink dye strip tests.

I took a clear blue test 26th of March and it was negative along side a pink dye test both negative.

Then on the 12 of April I got a clear blue digital test which came back positive 1-2 weeks.

I took a pink dye strip the next day and negative
I also took another yesterday and that was negative
And I took one today all pink dye tests negative.

It’s given me such a scare, I’m sorting a GP blood test out just in case.

Could have the link to the posts who have similar experiences with clear blue
@snowlico Yea digitals are shit. You’re not pregnant. You don’t need a blood test. One notoriously crappy digital doesn’t trump the dozens of line tests you took.
@rjl I have just been super paranoid and stressed about it, as my previous pregnancy was an awful experience and ended early, and I really didn’t want to go through all that again.
So it was such a shock, thank you for the advice.
@snowlico If your pink dye is negative more than 3 weeks after sex, you're definitely not pregnant. 3+ weeks after sex concentration of urine doesn't matter, so you all your results throughout a day are all definitive the same.