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    Product Awareness Nestle: Xpost with /r/babybumps

    @lettinggo5 Absolutely!!
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    Product Awareness Nestle: Xpost with /r/babybumps

    @lettinggo5 I don't know that they would have thought it through that far. I genuinely think this is a company that doesn't understand abject poverty. It's not like these people were choosing to spend on other things instead, there was nothing TO spend. Perhaps they justified it with "well...
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    Product Awareness Nestle: Xpost with /r/babybumps

    @lettinggo5 To be honest that's where i lost my shit completely. It's one this to market their product, to lie about what it can do, it takes a special kind of asshole to impersonate a medical professional to make that easier. 7 circles of hell kind of asshole.
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    Product Awareness Nestle: Xpost with /r/babybumps

    Below is a comment made in another thread "What company has forever lost your business? Why?" With the OP's permission I'll pass it along to you ladies having done some further research to substantiate his claims. This was originally posted by,ObligatoryRemark I recently graduated with a...
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    Parenting hacks?

    @dp797 I'm not expert but my kids thrive on routine. As soon as we get too flexible they seem to smell blood in the water. Home bedtime routine: Bath stories cuddles till asleep. We don't have kids who can fall asleep alone so we don't make them. out bedtime routine: pjs at the house we are...
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    I'm not hoarding!!

    @luke I buy for three households. 12 people, only 2 are kids. I buy a LOT. And I get a lot of looks. But ...what else am I going to do? Tell every person who gives me a look my life story? Meh, it's their fault for assuming .
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    Need to vent

    @giangnt That's not a friend. I would lose my God damned mind if someone hit my child. If someone called my kid a brat......yeah no. I'd absolutely cut this person off like cancer. You were THERE there was NO need for her to intervene and discipline your child. Even IF that was acceptable...
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    What to items to buy now that typically are not gifted. FTM needs your help!

    @deryck From my experience, people do not gift consumable items such as shampoo and diaper cream. Depending on the financial situation of your friends and family gifts in the super affordable (think $1-15 items) and the super expensive (think $200-1,000 items) are scarce. Whenever we come...
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    What would you have done?

    @poppylavender Exactly spot on here. Sometimes there's room for a lesson, sometimes there's only room for fear.
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    Bed sharing but I keep being told that babies sleep better in there own rooms by people who in my bumper group

    @huntinheros Honestly SOME babies do. They are not the norm. Try and see if your baby does....but if not that's normal. My first slept with us for years. My second...honestly I don't think he cares where I am as long as there's snacks in the morning.