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  1. E

    C-section and diastasis recovery post partum

    @canlastc Good for you taking it slow! I also forgot to mention that there are random bursts of progress and other random times where the progress stalls pp. I’m at almost 4 month pp and I’ve had good initial progress, then I stalled. Now things seem to be improving again, but I think it has to...
  2. E

    C-section and diastasis recovery post partum

    @canlastc 4 weeks is super early! I assume the program you’re doing right now is something super light like diaphragmatic breathing, since there’s no way you’re cleared for exercise 4 weeks pp after a C-section! You may want to see a pelvic floor pt, at least briefly, somewhere between 8 and...
  3. E

    Feeling like a blob. Help

    @miketexas I wonder if a lot of the jiggly/blobby feeling is loss of muscle mass/tone. I’m confronting something similar too. Maybe a heavy weight lifting program over cardio exercises would address the issue more?