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    Cow milk transition advice

    @jesusisyahweh I wouldn’t. First, baby’s stomach is not developed enough to handle it. Second, you should not give it as a replacement one for one to breast milk because too much calcium can impede iron absorption. If you need to supplement, formula or donor milk is the way to go.
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    My 7 month old has me so defeated right now

    @lohman446 I agree. At 7 months my son had dropped down to 2 naps and no more than 2 hours total of nap sleep during the day. That ensures he’s well tired by evening and sleeps a good 5-7 hour stretch first.
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    (Spoiler: Funny) The DANGERS of bed-sharing 👿

    @ladyjones Finger in the mouth over here too 🙋🏽‍♀️ lol
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    I need help - baby is not gaining weight

    @livinglife3 I went with an IBCLC because they have such accurate scales down to the 2mL.
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    I need help - baby is not gaining weight

    @apa If she is not gaining she is not getting enough food. She needs to be supplemented with formula or donor milk. In terms of your supply, you can work with an IBCLC to get a weighted feed to see how much your baby is transferring at a time. But right now your baby needs more food. Give her...
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    My son lost 6 oz of weight between Friday and yesterday despite eating very regularly and having all the diapers needed to be “normal”

    @aletia Weight checks should only be done periodically, no less than 1 week apart because babies have a lot of day to day variation. It could have been a combination of poop or not poop, having fed or not, growth spurt, etc.
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    2 month old suddenly refusing boob but taking bottle

    @twelveplus_5 In additional to pace feeding, I would suggest a slow flow nipple. We use the Dr. Brown’s bottles so the P premie nipple worked for us for a while and now we’re on the T transitional nipple. The idea is the bottle should be as much work as the breast and take about the same amount...
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    2 month old suddenly refusing boob but taking bottle

    @twelveplus_5 We had a similar issue at 2 months. What helped was using an SNS for all top ups so he went a few weeks without a bottle and learned to love the boob because boob = food and sucking = more food. We also tried a nipple shield to make the boob more like the bottle and he was OK with...
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    Feeling like a blob. Help

    @elev8 That’s a good point!
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    Feeling like a blob. Help

    I’m 10.5 months pp and still weigh as much as I did before I gave birth nearly a year ago. My body shape has also changed quite a bit. I initially lost all but 5lbs right after giving birth, but then regained it all back over the course of the year, probably due to my breastfeeding appetite...