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  1. J

    My baby is 12 months. Can I fall asleep with her in my arms now?

    @markeita Also, if you haven’t already, check out the book No Cry Sleep Solution. It is worth the read at least for validation but has great tips to encourage better sleep and sleep independence without resorting to full CIO.
  2. J

    My baby is 12 months. Can I fall asleep with her in my arms now?

    @markeita I’m glad this helps. To be honest, my first struggled to completely sleep through the night until he was 3.5 however it got MUCH better before then, and there were a lot of factors on our end that made it harder for us to commit to getting him to sleep independently (for example...
  3. J

    My baby is 12 months. Can I fall asleep with her in my arms now?

    @markeita There was a period of time where my first would only sleep from 4:00 AM onward if I was holding him in my arms. I used our floor bed and propped my arms with small pillows, laid reclined, and made sure his face had enough clearance so he couldn’t easily turn his head into me or roll...
  4. J

    Please convince me to cosleep

    @psalm51flower There was an article in a journal called Pediatrics a bit ago that was accessible but now seems to be behind a paywall. Basically some researches went through a ton of SIDS and SUIDS cases and found in the cases where there was "surface sharing" (bed, couch, etc.) there were often...