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    C section aftercare: a warning

    @polarbearwear It's wonderful and terrifying! No, these are babies 2 and 3. 2 girls. My first, a boy, just turned 2. This will be my second c section. My first c was terrible. Twins run in my family, too. Sending you love as you prepare for your second c section!
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    C section aftercare: a warning

    @polarbearwear Me too, mama, me too. But I will be coming home with twins this time.
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    Choosing NOT to do daycare

    @fab01 I know lots of families have to use day care, so I mean no offense to anyone who needs to use daycare. But daycare care is mediocre at best. There will never be enough adults to give kids loving attention (which is what they need most), the adults will never be paid enough to really care...
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    Bed sharing but I keep being told that babies sleep better in there own rooms by people who in my bumper group

    @metanoiabum Do you have a source for that study? I'd love to read it. I feel like that is intuitively right but parents who do cry it out are adamant that it doesnt have any longterm effects.
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    Complicated feelings following baby #2

    @carlos234 These are great tips!!
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    Crazy mornings

    @megan120711 Do they take a mid day nap? Try eliminating that so they sleep better
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    Complicated feelings following baby #2

    @sigmachi1855 I would like to write you a long post with lots of words of encouragement but here is the short answer - this is a HUGE transition for you. I went through this exact same thing when my twins were born. They're 6 months now and we have settled into a new rhythm. I finally feel like...