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  1. J

    How are you mentally/emotionally dealing with significant activity modification?

    @verajosefine Great mantra, I needed to hear this. My activity level has massively reduced. Running stopped at 20 weeks after 6 consecutive runs cut short due to round ligament pain, all my usual exercises involved fall risk (climbing and circus) so was told to stop end of first tri. Now down to...
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    Husband running a 2 day race a month after I’m due

    @yuliza I'm PP so knowing what I know, the caveat I would give him is he needs to be able to manage the training on new born sleep. Training, or post race recovery will not be an acceptable excuse to not do night waking. The race will be considered a break from the baby. Personally, if I were...
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    How to reintroduce baby carrier to 2 y/o?

    @spingle Another vote for backpack style...Much easier for you at this weight and different enough to get around any 'that's for babies' arguments
  4. J

    Travel bed for 2 year old

    @gerian No but my one year old hated the travel cot with a passion until we bought a travel mattrass to go with it. The ones the come with are basically just a peice of board.
  5. J

    2.5 year old Boy nap/sleep regression please help!

    @onepassionate1 2.5 is a perfectly normal age to drop nap. At the moment it's affecting their night sleep and night sleep is much more important for development.