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  1. J

    Positive test after progesterone was low on my blood test?

    @livingme7 Sorry, I didn’t catch that. I would follow up with your doctor ASAP. There are people who have successful pregnancies with low progesterone, it does make you more susceptible to things like an ectopic or miscarriage. You should go get betas done and discuss your concerns with your...
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    condom broke and he came inside me, and i took a plan B an hour after. Next day the tip of the condom came out of me... what do i do?

    @jalin I personally don’t think it would be necessary as plan b works by delaying ovulation and I think that all the semen that would go inside of you would go inside initially when the condom broke. Unless it was a huge piece of the tip that could potentially hold a bunch of semen I would think...
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    Positive test after progesterone was low on my blood test?

    @livingme7 Digitals are not reliable. Take a pink line test.
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    @ikiru Even if it were to leak, it falling on her vagina can’t get her pregnant. If you were erect when penetrating her you don’t need to worry. Consider abstaining until you get your anxiety under control and consider talking to her about starting birth control
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    Am I?

    @mystery9 The negatives mean your symptoms and late period aren’t from pregnancy, you’re late because you ovulated late. You can still test positive so you’ll want to test 1-2 times a week until you get a period or a positive test. There’s no need to see a doctor unless you go 60+ days without a...
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    @ikiru Condoms and pullout together when used perfectly are over 99% effective. Condoms don’t fail that easily.
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    Took a Plan B and had unprotected sex a few days later

    @oldsam Yes you’re at risk of getting pregnant, you’re having unprotected sex. Plan B isn’t a cure all or birth control. It’s for emergencies. Plan B is for one instance of sex and you have to take it after sex. There’s a max 30% chance per cycle. If you don’t want to get pregnant you need to...
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    @ikiru She’s late because she ovulated late or hasn’t yet. If you’re worried, have her test.
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    @katrina2017 New studies have found Mirena effective immediately as emergency contraception. If you don’t like Planned Parenthood, here’s some others. source source source source So while yes of course there’s a huge issue with OP being misled and given the wrong IUD, no use in scaring...
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    @katrina2017 Mirena can be used as emergency contraception regardless of where someone is at in their cycle. OP was protected source
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    Please answer

    @6d6e6v9i9l9 Zero. You need to have sex to get pregnant
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    Please answer

    @6d6e6v9i9l9 An at home test is definite 21 days after sex. If by 28 days after there isn’t enough hCG to have a positive blood test, there isn’t enough to have a baby. You also cannot get pregnant from what you did.
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    21 M 21 F, 3 years and counting; I need help from sex ed experts

    @spearofphineas This cannot cause pregnancy.
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    Please answer

    @6d6e6v9i9l9 You’re not pregnant
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    guys just one last time

    @coffee1066 Implantation bleeding isn’t real, read the automod. A test is accurate 2 weeks after sec and definitive after 3. She’s not pregnant. Wear a condom next time.
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    help! i’m going crazy

    @apc_carrier You had unprotected sex so yes it’s possible. Unlikely, but possible. A test is accurate 2 weeks after sex and definitive after 3. Use protection if you don’t want to get pregnant.
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    Am I Pregnant or just ovulating

    @whereheis You can’t have pregnancy symptoms this soon after sex. Plan B causes spotting.
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    4 days late, tested negative but worried it’s too early for my hCG to be raised

    @louise502 The pullout method is 78% effective with typical use over a year. A test is accurate 2 weeks after sex and definitive after 3. If you don’t want to get pregnant, he needs to be wearing a condom the entire time you have sex.
  19. J

    Im really scared i f’d up

    @kman973 This can’t get you pregnant. You’re late because you ovulated late or haven’t yet.
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    Pregnancy related?

    @debhubtravels This can’t cause pregnancy so no your symptoms aren’t pregnancy related.