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    Co-parenting sleep schedule

    @lycealon Good luck. I know it’s hard. You are a good mom.
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    Co-parenting sleep schedule

    @lycealon If you are willing to add some flexibility to your schedule & routines the re-adjustment may be easier. You can only control what happens in your home as annoying as his style may be. Maybe you have a “flex” day with fewer rules and scheduled routines for the day she returns and...
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    Talking to my 6 y.o

    @goldenmindset You have to be the parent. Regardless of whether your daughter is as engaged as you wish or wants to talk about what you want to talk about - you must be there. It’s about her not about you. If she wants to discuss toys make up games to play over the phone, read a book together-...
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    Do you let your kid skip family activities for stuff the other parent wants to do with them during your time?

    @carolvdmerwe Activities during my time are only possibly available if discussed upfront and don’t conflict with my own plans. That’s it. Signed up for something without my consideration? Not available. We already have plans? Not available. Child also knows this policy so they are never put in...
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    Reunification: Incarceration, Addiction, Mental Illness

    @thaniya All this helps paint a picture of suffering and you have a big heart and care about his wellbeing. BUT - that’s where it ENDS until he does what’s REQUIRED on his end. You are not responsible for his recovery, you are not responsible for putting his wants ahead of your son’s needs...
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    If a parent misses a visit does he make up for it next the weekend?

    @junipermints Misses visitation is forfeited. Unfortunately, he has no obligation to make it up. You also have no obligation to change everything to accommodate his whims. If his weekend falls on a sports day - he should take her to sports - that’s parenting.
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    Reunification: Incarceration, Addiction, Mental Illness

    @thaniya His avoidance and refusal of your very reasonable and responsible and respectful requests tell you all you need to know. He is not ready. When he is ready to do as you ask, that’s the time to consider a reunification plan - prior to that - you’ll be setting your son up to be let down...
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    Ex taking son to Disney for birthday

    @vescd In this situation your obligation is not to make your GF happy. Your obligation is to tell her to stay out of it - it’s a determination your son’s mother has made and that you support.
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    Ex taking son to Disney for birthday

    @vescd You can’t “keep everyone happy”. This is the wrong goal. It will lead to many mistakes and regrets. There will sometimes be someone who is unhappy with a decision/ that by no means makes it the wrong one - but adjusting what you know is right for your son to keep your GF happy isn’t...
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    Ex taking son to Disney for birthday

    @vescd So much here 1) Kids don’t compare and resent gifts that way. That’s your GF projecting. She shouldn’t make her issues your son’s issues. 2) GF is getting WAY out of her lane. You and your ex are son’s parents. You make these decisions. If you are allowing her to actively make...
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    At what point do you stop giving coparent info?

    @themrsbeth You are doing all you can and all you should already. You are not his personal secretary or calendar manager. These are his problems not yours. Support your son - answer questions when he has them, help him call when he wants to- etc. Things you are already doing .
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    When your kids notice the other coparent not being fair, how do you respond?

    @audranne Saying “I don’t know” - is both honest and not saying anything bad about the other parent.
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    Am I wrong?

    @tsomnlie You are not wrong. I’d make sure to be at daycare to pick my son up before he can. If you have no agreement or custody order- he can legally do this. Definitely contact an attorney. If you do not have formal custody- get it. I re-read and it looks like you already have an order...
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    Girlfriend telling my son he has an allergy when he doesn’t.

    @sergiomonterroso She is violating Stepparent Rule #2 - Stay in your lane. FYI- Stepparent Rule #1 is - Be good to my children .
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    Father took job 2.5 hours away starting next week

    @q490264 Do what you’ve been doing. He chose to move. He is responsible for ensuring nothing changes for you. More driving? His responsibility.
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    New baby announcement - hurt feelings

    @jambor This may be pedantic, but might help. Everything that hurts isn’t necessarily hurtful. Something hurtful is done with the intention of causing pain. Something that hurts is just painful. I don’t think this was intentionally hurtful although I am 100% sure it hurt. Sending ❤️❤️❤️
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    Is this actually medical decision-making or is my coparent overstepping?

    @ryanafshar I think having legal custody allows her to make medical decisions on her own. However, I don’t think it extends to changes in custody arrangements. If there is a “medical” recommendation that he not be moved post surgery - then perhaps her schedule makes sense, but if not medically...