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    Thoughts after an early arrival

    @lisa98 Congratulations! I also had a higher than usual blood pressure during and after labor. It took a week to go back down. One of my midwives wondered if it was just because their data is skewed more towards people who get the epidural thereby lowering most people’s blood pressure. Also...
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    Healthy foods for nausea, do they exist?

    @mgross Getting up a little earlier to have some oatmeal (+a scoop of protein) helped with morning workouts. Meat agreed with me when it came to afternoon/evening nausea.
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    Diaper rash is inevitable

    @benjy_lastsonofthewest Awesome!! Thanks!!!
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    Diaper rash is inevitable

    @benjy_lastsonofthewest Do you use the liners to keep the diapers from becoming less absorbent due to the barrier creams?
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    Diaper rash is inevitable

    @steviedj It's very mild redness! And it is just cropping up for the first time. I think she has generally sensitive skin and may just need a better barrier cream. She is needing frequent application of lotion head to toe.
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    Diaper rash is inevitable

    @klewanne Hi! Thank you! I edited my original post to include the wash routine and ingredients. Question: what liners are you using?
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    Diaper rash is inevitable

    @klewanne Hi! I thank you. I edited my original post to include ingredients as well.
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    Who are those people losing postpartum weight?

    @kristalyn Muscle is metabolically expensive tissue. Hormones are a piece of the weight loss puzzle. Sleep is important for both. If you can’t balance these along with managing diet and stress, I don’t blame you! You have a helpless little life that is depending on you. You picked core work...
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    Any bike commuting moms here?

    @surendered12345678 My theory was also based on reading that our blood volume increases to support baby. Add to that the increased respiration rate from pregnancy then add in how it's cold and you lose even more moisture just breathing outdoors. Not everybody is as sensitive to electrolytes, you...
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    16w, pelvic bones hurt like I’ve been riding a bike?

    @linenthesand First time mom. It hit me at 30 weeks and let up a couple weeks before delivery but then came back pp and went away again after a few weeks. I think when it initially went away it was because I stopped working so instead of sitting at a desk all day, I was moving at more regular...
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    Any bike commuting moms here?

    @surendered12345678 Although I no longer bike commute since I began working from home due to the pandemic, I do try to keep up my cycling fitness on the indoor trainer and lifting weights. I pretty quickly noticed that I needed a lot more fuel and water but it took me longer to realize how much...
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    Pregnancy fitness app that isn’t a pdf?

    @aceplace Definitely loved plus 1. Although I didn’t strength train as much as I hoped through pregnancy, it got me through postpartum and now I’m hooked on Megs programming and am on SBTD. The warmups are about 20 minutes though. In order to keep the workout at about an hour, I dropped 1-2...
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    Any bike commuting moms here?

    @chosen_1 It would be DREAMS to bike to the hospital when it's go-time. My only hurdle with that is that where I live, I wouldn't know if my bike would still be there when I came back for it.
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    Diaper rash is inevitable

    @chirho77 We do a full cycle with no detergent and a rinse on top of that. I don’t think she has eczema but we’re in a try this and see period with it to see if it’s just sensitive/dry or eczema. I’m open to other detergent. What do you use and are you in the USA?
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    Diaper rash is inevitable

    @myownmynativeland Yeah at first it seemed like it worked and then all of the sudden it was not. I think it just cannot apply enough product. I got the stick for my husband but I got good results with coconut oil. Something changed in the last month and it doesn’t work as well so I’m trying...
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    Diaper rash is inevitable

    @martaja Cream chemicals? I think you’re the second person to say the diaper cream could be an issue. Do you use liners or how do you protect the skin?
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    Diaper rash is inevitable

    Pediatrician says that diaper rash is unavoidable with cloth as moisture is held to the skin. Please help me get some perspective. Is there not bound to be some light redness with either cloth or disposable? How much redness is acceptable? Six months. GroVia hybrids user. ETA Thank you all...