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    Will I regret only having 1 child?

    @endquote Th I second the one and done sub. Very helpful
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    Anyone One and done due to being the older sibling?

    @robnox I see you in that. There was never enough to go around in my family growing up. I want my child to have the things I didn’t. Time, money for field trips and book fairs, the occasional sweet treat or a nice meal out. The ability to play sports or do art. Just the little things.
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    Anyone One and done due to being the older sibling?

    @criches111 Honestly the hard part was never being acknowledged for the extra effort. Got a job to contribute to the house hold, good grades, good behavior. It was just what was expected. I did those things: normal. My siblings did them: wow look at all you accomplished. I might as well be...
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    Anyone One and done due to being the older sibling?

    @kathleia510 Don’t feel guilty. It was never your job to pick up your parents slack.
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    Anyone One and done due to being the older sibling?

    @shauns16134 Don’t be afraid to say no. I often watch my siblings kids too. I don’t mind of love them and she often reciprocates. But sometimes you have to say no so you don’t get taken advantage of.
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    Anyone One and done due to being the older sibling?

    @hendrix1265 That’s fair. Every family dynamic is different. I would not want that for my child either.
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    Anyone One and done due to being the older sibling?

    @carrie999 Wow. I am so sorry you experienced that. It’s awful
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    Anyone One and done due to being the older sibling?

    @carltinmar I leant heavily Child Free for a lot of my adult life, before we decided to have a child. I also found the “sub culture” around the CF to be surprisingly toxic. Like, I don’t want kids but I don’t hate their experience or find their presence offensive. Heck fun aunt life was where it...
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    Anyone One and done due to being the older sibling?

    @akadouble I think they just always get seen as the baby. No matter how old they get.
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    Anyone One and done due to being the older sibling?

    Is anyone one and done because they were the older sibling in their family. I’m the oldest of 5. I was never the favorite child. My younger siblings got away with everything while I was expected to “set a good example”. I always had more chores and responsibility because your X age now. But...
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    When did you send your only to preschool?

    @magdalenab We started daycare at a 2.5. Really helped with his verbal and social development.