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  1. K

    Is it madness to have another baby at 42-43?

    @sicky12 I just thought this morning how hard it must be if you have kids closer together. Because especially between 4 and 6 they are so fun and so happy to do stuff. Which is much harder if you have a little one around. This way they got to be "babies" a little bit longer. Because 4-6 yo still...
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    Anyone else following the Possums sleep approach?

    @david77123 I know the poop problem as well. She won't fall asleep if a poop is on it's way. And she will wake up if a poop happens while she naps.
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    Is it madness to have another baby at 42-43?

    @johnl1153 I've had my third at 42. My kids are 8 years apart. Now they are 4, 12 and 20. I'm happy I have my daughter but it's been rough. Physically demanding, strenuous. Mentally challenging. Especially the first two years. Covid and homeschooling the older kids from when she was 6 months...
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    it's 4:30am

    @freespirit325 I'm sorry this happened to you. That's pretty awful. Also, my daughter is in a similar phase, so, solidarity! So much crying because I did it wrong and she can't live with it... And yeah, the typical absolute ignorance of my woes from the 3 yo. I hope you'll get into solid...
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    A bigger age gap can be a good thing

    @tantman I have 3 and they are 8 years apart each. Which is an incredibly long time of child care. If I had the choice I would have liked to have the third sooner. Maybe have the second after 6 years and the third after 3 years. Yes, the older ones can dress themselves and set the table, but...
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    My new washing machine just got delivered!! 😍

    @everybodyloveeverybody I just bought a package of 'Denk mit Vollwaschmittel ultra sensitive' from dm. That will be the first to try. I'll let you know. :)
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    My new washing machine just got delivered!! 😍

    @har_habayit Thank you! That sounds great. 😀 I will be switching to powder detergent for the nappies. Right now I'm using liquid for everything. But I'm still undecided which brand to use. But I'm in Germany, so brands are different here.. We'll see, I'll just try some I guess.
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    My new washing machine just got delivered!! 😍

    @dadabtnjems Thank you!
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    My new washing machine just got delivered!! 😍

    @katrina2017 Yip, our dishwasher is a Bosch too. We were so happy to find a model that wasn't quite as deep as most. Our bathroom door is so narrow that most machines don't fit. And we actually had to have the bulleye unhinged to get it through. Puh!
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    My new washing machine just got delivered!! 😍

    @katrina2017 Yip, that's quite similar to the washing machine. The old one would have turned 19 in September and my oldest son is 16. So we didn't quite make it but almost!
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    My new washing machine just got delivered!! 😍

    @katrina2017 That really also sound awesome. I looked into them and some of them are price wise pretty close to a new washing machine. But admittedly much more versatile! :)
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    My new washing machine just got delivered!! 😍

    @daxx Ah, that sounds like a lot of fun to pick new things for a new house!
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    My new washing machine just got delivered!! 😍

    I'm currently 36 weeks pregnant and planning on cloth diapering. Our washing machine was 18 years old and died in grace. She was washing fine up until the end and had to be repaired only once. But ultimately the on-switch completely broke off. I called the repair company and they said this part...