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  1. H

    I’m so tired of hearing what other people did/ are doing with their babies

    @charity78777 I always say “how great for them!” And walk away. Does the trick, usually only takes people a few times to realize I have no interest in comparing my child/parenting to others.
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    NB vs 0-3 clothing size

    @niederwaldflash We needed NB for our 7.6 lb baby. She was in 0 - 3 months around the 1 month mark. My friend had her baby early and she was 6 lbs, she was in NB till almost 3 months old. I’d definitely buy some - you could just do pjs if you want to avoid spending extra money!
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    What happens to poor sleepers who aren’t sleep trained?

    @ebveloz Anecdotal experience, I was never sleep trained and co slept with my mom till I was 11! To this day it is incredibly hard for me to sleep by myself. Maybe that’s just my anxiety though and co sleeping had nothing to do with it. I was also forced out of co sleeping and that probably...
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    How to not be irrationally resentful at husband for getting full sleep every night?

    @steveepperson That’s not okay. If you need night help, he needs to help you. He doesn’t get to say he has work and needs to go to bed and then stay up anyways? I would talk to him about it and emphasize the dangers of sleep deprivation. My husband had to take my baby from me in early weeks a...
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    What are babies like at 5-6 months

    @thomasleonard Definitely baby dependent. I was sleeping far less because my baby’s regression started at 5 months and didn’t end till we sleep trained at 7 months. She woke up every single hour, wouldn’t let her dad put her back to bed, and needed to be held for 30+ minutes before transfer. I...
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    Best Carrier?

    @xd005 I don’t have advice but I’m following because my 7.5 month old also hates our Tula!!!! I thought maybe I was doing something wrong but I’ve done so many fit checks and she still despises it. Have you looked at the ring slings? I tried them briefly when my LO was a newborn but haven’t...
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    9.5 MO STILL not sleeping thru night

    @mooreman I am still breastfeeding so I just quickly feed her! It’s a 5 - 10 minute process, then back to sleep. It’s actually one of the reasons I’m not ready to stop! My husband can get her back to sleep with just some rocking, but it’s a bit longer. I’m a teacher so I’m going to tackle the...
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    9.5 MO STILL not sleeping thru night

    @mooreman My 1 year old doesn’t sleep through the night and never has. I sleep trained her at 7 months, so putting her to sleep is super quick - she just wakes up a lot still! I actually have read it’s fairly common. You absolutely could still sleep train if it’s really unsustainable...