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    4.0 mm NT and 1 in 2 risk for Down - there’s hope!

    @tas00 This is a really hard time and I wish you and your family all the best 🙏🏻 hang in there
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    4.0 mm NT and 1 in 2 risk for Down - there’s hope!

    @tomfrommer That’s such a relief! If I’ve learned anything from this awful experience is that A. Screening does not mean diagnostic (I mean, as a healthcare practitioner I knew that of course, but when emotions run high you tend to forget it) and B. Human error DOES play such a huge role here...
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    4.0 mm NT and 1 in 2 risk for Down - there’s hope!

    @kenmax Thank you so much for your kind words! 🙏🏻❤️
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    4.0 mm NT and 1 in 2 risk for Down - there’s hope!

    @valorirae Thank you so much for your kind words! 🙏🏻 much appreciated
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    4.0 mm NT and 1 in 2 risk for Down - there’s hope!

    @banon “Albeit very annoying” 😂 as long as he’s healthy and happy! And yes, the forums helped a lot, although I didn’t find too much info, which is why I decided to post my experience
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    4.0 mm NT and 1 in 2 risk for Down - there’s hope!

    @charmaineisnt Thank you so much! And I wish the same to you 🙏🏻 all the best
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    4.0 mm NT and 1 in 2 risk for Down - there’s hope!

    @katrina2017 I’m sorry to hear that you went through the same stress but I’m glad that it turned out ok! We had the nasal bone on our 12-week NT scan. Out of curiosity, is 1/189 risk not considered high risk? Because then you should’ve been offered the NIPT for free. But I agree, I will get the...
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    4.0 mm NT and 1 in 2 risk for Down - there’s hope!

    @bhaskar I truly hope nothing serious shows up! I’m not sure where you’re from but in Canada for example, abortions can be done up to 25 weeks gestation in some places. Again, I hope it doesn’t come to it!! All the best to you and your baby!
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    4.0 mm NT and 1 in 2 risk for Down - there’s hope!

    @leeannebuwa The waiting is the worst! I’m glad your baby’s testing came back normal!
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    4.0 mm NT and 1 in 2 risk for Down - there’s hope!

    Let me open this by saying I’m a FTM 19 weeks, healthcare professional, and a VERY anxious person at baseline. At my 12-week NT ultrasound appointment my ultrasound tech was very quiet. I noticed it but attributed it to her not being allowed to say anything to patients so I tried to put it out...
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    Hopefully some inspiration (TW: results not typical)

    @blessed2berosie 31yo FTM at 30 weeks with dysmorphia - you truly gave me hope! Like you, I exercised 6x/week while I could and ate healthy (as much as baby allows) now I’m running to schedule an appt with a pelvic floor PT! Congrats and you look wonderful!