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    Kyleena IUD Insertion Experience

    @bcreggie I am so sorry you had such a rough first experience! But YES TO THE ADVOCATING! Always speak up for yourself because you know your body best, especially since you have had previous experience with the procedure.
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    Kyleena IUD Insertion Experience

    @getyourhopesup Definitely talk to your doctor and see what your options are and what you preference! You are your best advocate, so if something sounds good/bad, make sure you mention that. I'm so sorry you've had such a poor experience with the implant! I hope you find a great new option!
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    Kyleena IUD Insertion Experience

    @katrina2017 Yes take a stress ball!! That will be so helpful. I held onto my water bottle during the whole procedure to keep my hands busy and to have something to grasp when the pain was very uncomfortable. I fully understand being freaked out at the consultation. The potential risks are...
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    Kyleena IUD Insertion Experience

    @cliff19 Absolutely! Glad I could give you some peace of mind and preparation for yourself! You got this!
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    Kyleena IUD Insertion Experience

    @maeflower No problem!! I'm glad I could bring to the table something of value for you. Definitely consult with your doctor. If you don't have an OBGYN yet, take the time to find one and get to meet them during the consultation to see if you feel comfortable with them. Another poster mentioned...
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    Kyleena IUD Insertion Experience

    @trisagion3 Yes absolutely! It is so so important to listen to your body and do what's best. Every single person experiences things differently because every person is built differently - even immediate family members. Advocating for yourself is the best thing you can do in these situations...
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    Kyleena IUD Insertion Experience

    @mooncat13 Oh yes definitely, my anxiety did not help at all with the insertion process haha. But glad someone else experienced something very similar!
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    Kyleena IUD Insertion Experience

    @mrwong Yes!! Hahah definitely a conversation to have with significant others. Birth control has tons of options out there - not just a one-party decision!
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    Kyleena IUD Insertion Experience

    @sgtbrimcg36 Thank you! That was super sweet to read. I'm a lengthy writer (tried to not be by choice, but clearly I still am), but try my best to be informative and give true experiences. Good luck tomorrow! You can do this!
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    Kyleena IUD Insertion Experience

    @tabi777 I 100% feel you! Paps are really not that bad - I know some people have some discomfort with it, but for the most part, it's so minor on the pain scale. My first pap made me really nervous too, but it was a breeze! You can still be nervous!! I was nervous through the whole process...
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    Kyleena IUD Insertion Experience

    @chadthehoser Yes absolutely! It is so important to have a doctor that is personable, kind, and gentle for this type of procedure. That's why it's so important to advocate for yourself and do the consultations prior to the procedure so you can meet them and talk to them. If you don't feel...
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    Kyleena IUD Insertion Experience

    @katrina2017 Oh absolutely! Every person will experience this differently because every single human body is built and structured differently. Regardless, it is far from a painless process - just a different level of pain for each person. I am so sorry you had such a rough experience this time...
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    Kyleena IUD Insertion Experience

    @tigerfan01 Nice to hear positive feedback about what it's like in the future! Thank you!
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    Kyleena IUD Insertion Experience

    @monorth40 I totally get it! It's so difficult to explain to those who have never felt the sensation before, but we do the best we can with what vocabulary we can haha. I had a couple of tears roll down my face when I got to the really painful section, but tbh I had gotten tearful before the...
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    Kyleena IUD Insertion Experience

    Okay y'all. Super long post ahead, but hopefully helpful for those looking for answers and commonalities. I had previously been on the birth control pills (the combination estrogen + progestin; called Sprintec) for around 4 years, but recently started noticing high blood pressure. Not super...