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    Is it true that the 6-8week period is the worst? I can’t put my baby down in her cot without her waking :(

    @maryatheseeker I've just installed The Wonderweeks app which roughly estimates their shitty weeks, explains what is happening in the actual leap. You can plan ahead and prepare for the growth/development spurts. While you won't get a direct answer what's wrong (because actually the answer is...
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    Method that doesn’t involve letting a baby cry?

    @iluvjesusforever Glad to hear 🥹 I'm also struggling with these decisions (such as do paci or not, will he be a narcissistic if Iet him be frustrated that much). Of course until he showed signs of self soothingh (around 10 weeks), and the fading of newborn reflexes, I wouldn't start anything...
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    Method that doesn’t involve letting a baby cry?

    @joryanne I feel OP it is just hard to know they need help, and we are denying it. Actually I hate when he has any discomfort. (Mine just 3 mouths old). But we can't move every obstacle in front of them, but it's so so hard. As parents our job is to prepare them to the life as it is. I am not...
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    Method that doesn’t involve letting a baby cry?

    @joryanne First of all that's awesome (both your parner and the ball) ! I didn't see your post mention it, but have you tried to offer him some fluid, maybe he is thirsty? I know current health standards dictates differently, because breastmilk is 90% water, but in the other hand so much more...
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    Method that doesn’t involve letting a baby cry?

    @joryanne Regarding sleep: He probably created an association between feed and sleep. I think they start creating sleep associations around 6 months but I'm still not sure what is the rule of thumb here. What you can try if you don't want a drastic change in there routine (not sure if this a...
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    It gets better

    @billycress Sounds awesome! :) Where you stand in the pacifier question? Are you using them ? I was struggling with the descision but since my LO is a little bit colicky yesterday I've tried them instead of my breast because I didn't want pass down anything in his digestive system to avoid...
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    I was not expecting taking care of a newborn to be so hard

    @atlanta I think if books were real about how hard the newborn phase is, lot of people do wouldn't have kids. :D People are already afraid to have them and they know only the sugarcoated version of infant care. Our biggest challenge is gassiness, the extra burps, can't put him on the back for a...