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    I don’t have a mom or a lot of family. Give me some motherly advice and tips about my first born

    @avnrsa Ah, darn. No, I'm just out of the loop, apparently.
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    washing non-organic produce

    @nolongerchaff To be honest, I just don't buy the dirty dozen unless it's organic.
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    What are you getting your kids for Christmas?

    @robertharris Oh, for books, here are ones we've loved. Chapter books and short story collections: Womenfolk and Fairy Tales by Rosemary Minard Where the Mountain Meets the Moon by Grace Lin The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett The Long Christmas by Ruth Sawyer Pollyanna by Eleanor...
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    I don’t have a mom or a lot of family. Give me some motherly advice and tips about my first born

    @madscribbler Also, truly, you can PM me if you are feeling lost, stressed, alone. I can listen.
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    I don’t have a mom or a lot of family. Give me some motherly advice and tips about my first born

    @madscribbler 1a. Often there is no magical way to Do Things Right and have it be easier. Every company and influencer wants us to think their thing/method will fix everything if we buy it. My kids slept badly. Some things made it worse, a constellation of things helped, but there was no one...
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    What are you getting your kids for Christmas?

    @robertharris Things are tight this year, so we're doing repairs for Christmas. They have so many favorite clothes and toys that have broken, watches without batteries, things that need glued or mended... We'll get them all shipshape in a huge wrapped pile for Christmas. I have some things I've...
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    What are you getting your kids for Christmas?

    @lbrox We love those!
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    Babygoal v. Nora’s v. Thirsties

    @wisdom08 My thirsties are being mailed to their fifth kid, my cheapies did not last one and a half.
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    What are you getting your kids for Christmas?

    @carolny :D It was glorious. She dressed as an owl (Hearthsong sells an owl wing cape) holding her favorite doll wearing Hazel's hat and overalls.
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    No Screens Possible for Short Flight with 13 month old?

    @lostinthepast Totally doable. I swear a simple plastic cup is the best toy at this age. Painter’s tape. Sticky notes.
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    What are you getting your kids for Christmas?

    @carolny My 6yo was Otis-rescuing-Little-Witch-Hazel for Halloween!
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    Helping toddlers with fear of bees/bugs in a productive way?

    @youanna Everything you are doing sounds good. Library books on particularly beautiful bugs might be good? Or seeing some of the gorgeous embroidery on bugs people are doing lately? Add some awe and curiosity where possible. Mine was similar around age 2-3, but at age 4 named all the flies...
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    Baby rash/eczema

    @jack_sdb After some time without the allergens bothering them, some allergy treatments, and a few years to grow older, they now eat almost all their former allergens without any reaction, and the remaining reactions are much more manageable.
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    Baby rash/eczema

    @jack_sdb For my oldest two, eliminating foods did fully fix their eczema. With my youngest, I'm still figuring out his triggers—corn, wheat, soy, certain oils are all definitely exacerbating his eczema, If you can try just one or two weeks of simple meals without the major 8 allergens and...
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    "butts aren't shaped like triangles" any toddler underwear shaped like Tiny Undies?

    @strange1 Hanna Andersson classic unders are similar.
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    Help me wean my baby and release guilt

    @lcnolen2022 Seconding this—I figured out at one point that I was spending about 40 hrs a week nursing my newborn. It was intense. I had phenomenal support, or I could not have done it.
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    Struggling to do “everything” *venting*

    @marknjohson I completely understand. We're also stretched really thin, and it feels like the deck is stacked against us. My husband works 3 or 4 12-hr shifts each week, and the days are just so long. We used the book Fair Play to help make the work visible, consciously skip certain chores, and...
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    Help me wean my baby and release guilt

    @annyfins It is okay to stop. It is also okay to switch to formula and just comfort nurse once a day for sweetness and connection. You are a good mom. You are doing wonderful things for your baby. The nursing you have done will always benefit him. And feeding him with formula so you can be...
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    Struggling to do “everything” *venting*

    @jayk I love everything about this comment. It's wise and funny and well-written, and a genuinely useful framework.
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    Am I too granola for crocs for my 2.5 yo?

    @nateharr Barefoot family here. has oodles of options, but my favorite is Soft Walker Shoes on Etsy because it’s a small, woman-owned company that makes superb shoes for $25. And has a ton of options and gives free custom advice if you email them. There are...