Babygoal v. Nora’s v. Thirsties


New member
My baby is fast growing out of her size 1 Thirsties covers. She’s 96% for weight and has rolls on top of leg rolls haha! I’m loving covers with prefolds/fitteds so was looking to get the next size up in covers. Wondering if I should stay with Thirsties or save some money and buy either Nora’s covers or save even more money with babygoal covers (Nora’s and babygoal look almost identical). I love how stretchy, yet soft Thirsties covers are and they fit really well, but they’re considerably more expensive. Pros and cons? Can anyone recommend or dissuade me from one or the other? Thanks!
@wisdom08 I used Thirsties size 1 for my baby girl and switched to Nora’s when she was about six months old. They were great for us until she was just over two years old and she started having more bladder control and super soaker pees. Then we had issues with leaking. If I hadn’t been pregnant and paying more attention, I might have realized she was probably ready for learning how to use the potty. I’ve been happy with the Nora’s. I like the colors, I used them to talk about colors with my daughter when we washed them and bought two more 7-packs for the next baby since they advertise as starting at 10lb. We’ll be skipping the Thirsties this time around.
@wisdom08 My baby is on the slimmer side, I tired a lot of different cloth diapers (though not baby goal or thirsties) and found Nora's to be be snuggest fit for him. Doesn't mean they won't fit your little one- but I consider Nora's on the smaller side.
@wisdom08 My 7w old is on the last rise and waist setting of the size 1, so I was also tasked with buying new covers way earlier than I expected I'd have to 🥺 Green mountain diapers has thirsties at 19% off right now so I decided to just go with size 2. If you like the single row of snaps on the thirsties, I know buttons is well-loved and has a single row as well
@cap1975 7w is young so it sounds like you did the right thing and have a big baby. Just want to mention that when they get more active - rolling, then crawling, then walking you may be going back down a rise as their little legs slim down a bit.
@caleb23 I will keep this in mind!! I think he's over 13lbs by now which isn't huge but his legs chunked up like crazy. Even with the gusset right in the bikini like the poor guy is getting some bad marks. Thankful for my OS wool covers right now
@wisdom08 Thirsties forever. I like their prints (usually). I like the people. I like their customer service. I like that they’re made in the USA. (The only way I’d like them better is if they moved their production to Canada. For realz.(
@wisdom08 I have both babygoal and thirsties covers and like them both. They do fit differently but both work well for us with prefolds, flats, and fitteds. I feel like babygoal might work better when my kids have been weird in between sizes. They're definitely a great budget friendly cover!
Replying to add that I'm using both brands with my second after using with my first, too. So they both hold up well. I had weird stitch issues on a gusset of a thirsties once and did have some leaking around a rise snap of a babygoal once.
@wisdom08 I've used Thirsties covers on all three of my kids, and have bought plenty used as well. Some of my oldest covers are 7 years old and going strong.

No experience with the other brands, I went with Thirsties bc I like it's made in USA. I don't mind paying a little extra for that.
@maxx55 getting ready for #2 and been wondering how the Thirsties are going to hold up as the inner gusset elastics seem very difficult to replace. Happy to read this as I love my Thirsties covers!
@lpadr009 Good point! Half my current Thirsties size 1 are on their third baby. They do make a quality product. I’m pretty sure this is my last baby however. I’m so indecisive! Haha