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  1. M

    The Final Straw w/ Husband

    @bigred009 Have you considered couples counseling? I think it will be difficult, but this is something that you CAN work through together. Stay strong!
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    Positive stories!

    @pentzbar000 I absolutely love being a mama. I loved the newborn cuddles, nursing, the gummy smiles, the babbles, each and every new thing he learns...I could go on and on. Sure, the first few months are HARD and there will always be hard moments. You do make sacrifices and your life will...
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    The Final Straw w/ Husband

    @powerkitejunkie That behavior is appalling. Change the locks and don't let him back in!
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    Looking for C section experiences

    @praskovia Jen Heward (aka Hunny Buns Fit) had a C-section and she lifts, and has some great exercises to help recovery and to regain core strength. Definitely check her out!
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    Can a 2yr old recognize letters?

    @slyanimal Yes! My son is almost 2 (23 months) and he's been able to recognize some letters for a couple months.