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    What do you expect and experience with your teens eating habits?

    @pastorpontibus Yes, this is my hope too, that he will learn- just on someone else and his own experience and not cause me suffering haha but isn’t that what we dream of for all things our teens do to terrorize us. I am so exhausted and frustrated with the hanger.
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    What do you expect and experience with your teens eating habits?

    @thecrossingatcypress Omg so sad but so real.
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    What do you expect and experience with your teens eating habits?

    @michaelo Yes, these sorts of food choices are what happen and I should probably let that part go entirely, WHAT the content is, as long as he’s sometimes having protein. How do not get triggered by their meanness or hanger? I think I don’t mind that as much, but he will refuse other...
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    What do you expect and experience with your teens eating habits?

    @katrina2017 We mostly eat as a family but sometimes we don’t even get to that point before he’s falling apart, as I get home an hour after him and then still need to cook.
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    Teen retaliation

    @ajhnh I agree. I don’t know, I’m hoping he will see the benefit and accept the reality of needing to contribute financially. I do need him to take responsibility for his choices! Right now our bill is at $750. I looked at his school tracking yesterday- he’s had so many extra sessions put on...
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    What do you expect and experience with your teens eating habits?

    @emmanuel330990 He won’t. It’s just dealing with the Hanger in the meantime that is exhausting. We need like an easy photo based cookbook for him. I’m imagining like hello fresh meal kit style recipes but in a book.
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    What do you expect and experience with your teens eating habits?

    @uneze This is part of my issue. Feeling like I do it all. And then not letting things go when I ought yo
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    Teen retaliation

    @musicman61 It is a private school- the district transports him there because they lacked the resources to support him locally. They pay for everything except for the classes that exceed the number of initially scheduled sessions. The only reason he has make up sessions is literally because of...
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    Teen retaliation

    @tiger65 Yes. But a non stimulant. Sometimes I wonder if we should try a stimulant again.
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    What do you expect and experience with your teens eating habits?

    @vonhelton SO frustrating! I have had to stop buying ice cream for this reason. I made a rule that we have it less often but when we do have it we go out for it.
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    Teen retaliation

    @bear78 Yes, unfortunately we are well past all of that. Th county won’t come out for mental health calls (did I mention we’re underresourced?) and will only help if I am willing to press charges. They literally will do nothing for a violent teen unless I want to press charges. They won’t take...
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    What do you expect and experience with your teens eating habits?

    @vonhelton Well, at least I’m not alone, but this is essentially EXACTLY what I deal with. I’m sorry.
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    Teen retaliation

    @ajhnh It is childish and petty, and you’re right he needs more control over his life. It’s tough when he’s not one to manage himself or his time. He’s been on spring break for a week and goes back to school tomorrow, I had hounded him at the beginning of the week to just knock the work out, he...
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    Teen retaliation

    @joseph92 It’s all good, this is definitely what we are dealing with! I am hoping to build up my actionable strategy when he is escalated or to prevent escalation
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    What do you expect and experience with your teens eating habits?

    My son is 17 and is 6’2”. He’s tall and needs a lot of food to sustain. YET! The kid doesn’t take any responsibility for making sure he is fed, and I suffer from it. When he doesn’t eat, he’s an absolute pill and can be quite mean. When I’m able to identify this and feed him it can be a 10-15...
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    Teen retaliation

    @walter45 Oh!! Well we need more involved dads like you in the world. Thank you for being there for your kids.
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    Teen retaliation

    @walter45 I’m sorry mama. It’s so hard. I do think they have to learn the hard way at some point, like oh, if I am disrespectful to others, they won’t help me anymore. So there’s a balance of us also sticking by our boundaries and prioritizing ourselves. It’s just hard to watch them flounder.
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    Teen retaliation

    @walter45 Thank you so much. Yes, it’s a lot like ODD. I thought maybe we had moved out of that territory, but I realize it’s like an abusive relationship, when someone says “oh, but he’s been better lately” when the cycle is at its peak. He has another year of school. In some ways he is very...
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    Teen retaliation

    @sammy707 Yes! This is real and definitely something we deal with. It’s hard to shift out of control into loving willingness.
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    Teen retaliation

    @justme12345678910 Hi slippery squirrel! Thank you so much for sharing what you are working on. We definitely see the effects of social media on mental health over here, and it’s not pretty or sustainable for anyone! I shared some of the things you worked on with him this evening and he said he...