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  1. T

    I thought twins where bad but triplets are worse

    @srrngugi Another plug for formula feeding or at least adding in a formula feed now and then. We exclusively FF our twins, made a full pitcher of formula every day and stuck it in the fridge and then it was ready to go immediately, and anyone can feed a baby (we fed cold).
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    What’s the dumbest thing anyone ever said to you as a twin parent?

    @drewzz It had to have been more than one position, how else did you conceive TWICE?
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    What are your "do it all" life hacks?

    @christiansworldwideweb Shoot, I dress my 3yos for daycare the night before 🤣 Boy wears a Tshirt and sweats, girl wears a shirt and leggings most of the time. Sometimes change them into jeans but we don’t do cutesy outfits to daycare 🤷‍♀️
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    Sharing a crib

    @smaxiner They never shared a crib because of how unsafe it is. We got two cheap bassinets off Amazon (Dream on Me - Karly or something) and they were perfect. Then we moved to mini cribs for space saving when they shared a room.
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    Pregnant with twins and devastated

    @coolguy123 If you’re feeling this way, is going forward with the pregnancy the right thing? I love my twin 4yos but life has been HARD and that’s without a third kid. Sure there are great parts and I love my kids. I’m not sure I would have gone down the path (IF) I did knowing what I know now 🤷‍♀️
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    How did y’all potty train multiples?

    @brothermark83 We had a bit of a relapse when we focused on it more around 2.5, so we just backed off. And I agree, lots of pressure to do it early! Just like people brag about how their child(ren) hit whatever milestone so early or are the 99th percentile for height and weight or some other...
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    How did y’all potty train multiples?

    @jamesrabbit This exactly. Daycare helped a lot because they were there all day so they’d offer them to use the potty frequently. Mine were trained “late” compared to most kids, they were 3.5yrs, but it was very little effort for us. As soon as my son saw my daughter getting all the...
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    What are your "do it all" life hacks?

    @atlascloud Thank you! ☺️ I absolutely don’t feel like there are enough hours in the day and I’m not willing to sacrifice my 8hrs of sleep so I do still struggle to do it all, but I do my best to set myself up for success.
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    What are your "do it all" life hacks?

    @atlascloud I’m a twin mom too :) But mine are 3yo now, so absolutely a different ball-game, challenging in different ways. I can usually get them down by 8pm after which I go right to bed, not going past 8:30pm lights off. I’ve never been a night owl type so it’s not hard for me to go to bed...
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    Sharing a crib

    @kody Safe sleep recommendations also include no extra fabric like mesh, pillows, blankets, etc.
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    What are your "do it all" life hacks?

    @bob I hyper-prepare the night before too! Unload backpacks and wash lunch tupperware in the evenings, clean up sink/dishes because coming downstairs to a clean kitchen does wonders for my brain. I get up at 4:15am to work out in our home gym set up, so my clothes are all set out, lunches are...
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    Switching daycares?

    @worriedmom1968 Thank you. He had an evaluation in school last week by a local therapy group for occupational therapy. (I’d also like him evaluated for speech as he has trouble with R’s, which they will arrange.) ADD runs in both my and my husband’s family and he certainly fits a lot of the...
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    Switching daycares?

    @guevaraj Right, that was my first question. So the new pre-Kids were 4yo last summer and they tried him with them at that time and it was pretty bad with biting. So they didn’t want to put him back in with them again, which is reasonable. He’s been bumped around a lot in his time there which...
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    Switching daycares?

    Hey everyone - could really use some unbiased advice here. I have B/G twins, age 3.5yrs. They’ve been at the same chain daycare since they were 4mos old. My girl twin is a social butterfly, adaptable, well-liked, seems to have always thrived there. My boy twin started biting around 18mos...