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    Overhead Coworkers B*tching About My Pump Sessions

    @aquabasket YES.
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    Overhead Coworkers B*tching About My Pump Sessions

    @s4ado Amazing!
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    Yoga for 3rd tri - but not ‘mild stretching pregnancy yoga’???

    @bakersh3 I really recommend Glo. They have so many classes. They are paid but honestly I find it pretty cheap. Esp if you are used to paying at a studio. They have all kinds of levels and durations, different teachers, different themes. They also have post partum and everything else not...
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    FAM device advice wanted

    @danny2023 Yep, I got one on Amazon for $11. It's quiet and doesn't have a bright light.
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    FAM device advice wanted

    @danny2023 I used Ava for a while but honestly it was never as accurate as temping vaginally. And it didn't pick up on a temp increase after a vaccine I got and I had a measurable fever. So idk.. I know you said temping manually is hard bc of your schedule but after my experience with Ava I just...