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    @poptart1919 I’m glad! They will test you for gestational diabetes earlier. I got tested/diagnosed at 10-11w due to a slightly elevated a1c. It sucked to be honest but I’d do it all over again for my baby ❤️ one slight positive was instead of gaining weight I was losing weight my whole...
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    @poptart1919 I was heavier than you and my original OB told me I’d need to lose 75lbs before trying. I was in the same boat as you being 34 turning 35. My husband and I were not not trying and 6 months later we conceived. I had gestational diabetes during pregnancy but other than that I had a...
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    C Section Recovery

    @annointed620 Hey! Planned C-section with apron tummy here! I’m almost 4 months postpartum at this point. I also have a skin condition called hidradenitis supperativa which affects areas that sweat (under breasts, under apron belly, etc). The recovery wasn’t bad. The main thing is keeping the...
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    Pregnancy and weight Rant

    @newbie2016 I don’t have PCOS so I can’t speak to that side of it. But I am over 300lbs (though 5’9”) and had a successful pregnancy despite my first OB telling me I’d need to lose at least 50-75lb before even trying. She also said I’d be automatically high risk because of my BMI. Luckily she...
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    Seeing Movement Outside Of Stomach?

    @lone_disciple I am taller and was about the same weight. I saw movement outside of my stomach around 27-28w. It wasn’t like a full hand print or something you see in the movies. Just a bulge, most likely where his head was.
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    Pregnant belly?

    @celluloid I’m 5’9 and was over 300 at the start of my pregnancy. I also have an apron belly. My belly was considered a “B belly” as far as the shape. I don’t think I looked really pregnant until 30w. I felt the same as you feeling self conscious that I just looked fat. What helped for me? I...
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    Graduation! 39w3d

    @rickardoholmes I wish I would have taken photos. I didn't feel like I looked pregnant most of my pregnancy. I'd say around 30w I started feeling like I was showing. By 33w the top part of my stomach was 'hard.' The funny thing is the apron belly obviously doesn't have baby in it so that still...
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    Graduation! 39w3d

    @richard373 Thank you! I think my biggest fear was trying to labor and then needing to do an emergency c-section. I know that’s rare for it to be an actual emergency but that was my biggest fear. Glad you are doing great in your pregnancy! Wishing you an uneventful labor as well ❤️❤️
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    Graduation! 39w3d

    Being a plus size momma I wanted to share my graduation experience with others that may be nervous about what to expect. Some details beforehand: Pre-pregnancy weight: over 300lbs I have an apron belly I have a skin condition Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) Before I was to get pregnant I went...
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    Plus size C-section

    @yellowzebra Thank you so much for all that information! Glad to hear with the see through curtain you don’t see everything. I may ask for that now. My OB has been great and supportive throughout the whole pregnancy, especially with me being plus sized. I have never felt any judgement from her...
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    Plus size C-section

    @yellowzebra I am honestly afraid of seeing them pull him out of me but I may look into that! Is there anything you preferred with the vaginal births over the C-section? How big were your babies (if you don’t mind me asking). I definitely want to do skin to skin and nursing ASAP
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    Plus size C-section

    @southbay1234 Oh I will look into the dry pads. I’m definitely back and forth on trying vaginally or just going straight to C-section. I almost feel like some will take going to a C-section as an “easy way out” even though it sounds far from easy. I just want to do what’s best for my baby
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    Plus size C-section

    @arganout Thanks for sharing your experience! I also get sweaty so I was worried about keeping that area dry and clean. It definitely sounds doable!
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    Plus size C-section

    @katrina2017 Thanks for sharing your experience! My doc already mentioned they’d use some kind of wound vac that is supposed to help so that’s good to know.
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    Plus size C-section

    @villeverte Good idea I’ll definitely ask for extra! Also super weird question but when you wear high waisted undies do you pull them over your apron stomach or under? I’ve always worn my pants/undies over my apron stomach which basically has left an indent where my pants go right above my belly...
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    Plus size C-section

    @villeverte Thanks for sharing your experience and congrats on the twins! Glad to hear more in depth about the procedure! Did they give you a wound vac? My doctor mentioned that we’d do that and it’s supposed to help prevent infection. Did you use anything else in the area to soak up sweat or...
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    Plus size C-section

    @prospy Thank you for sharing your experience! I could imagine how exhausting and defeating that must have felt. I definitely think I will ask for one more growth scan before making the final decision. It just sucked because I asked if I decide to go vaginally and then want to switch to...
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    Plus size C-section

    Hey all!! I am 31w tomorrow and at my last apt my OB brought up delivery options. Around 20w baby was measuring 97th percentile. He dropped to 89th percentile but at my last apt at 29w he was back up to 93rd percentile. My OB and MFM are convinced we’re having a big baby. With that, mixed...