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  1. C

    My supervisor didn’t say I was ok to take the day before my planned c-section off…?

    @qork Oops wooosie you went into labor at 38+2! For real just check back in with your manager. Probably just fell off her radar.
  2. C

    Toddler loves pushing my newly walking baby and I feel lost

    @diademjewel I’ve been going through the same thing with my 2.5 year old at 7 month old over the last month. She was running up to the baby and hitting, slapping, punching, biting, clawing at her face, and pulling her hair. I was beside myself and crying daily. It took a huge emotional toll on...
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    Parenting discussion w/ husband

    @jl090812 The dynamic in my house was very similar where my dad was the disciplinarian and my mom would report to him our transgressions so we were punished hours later sometimes. My parents later said they regretted setting this uneven dynamic having just one parent take on the discipline, but...
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    HoW WiLl I hIdE tHaT i'M nOt DrInKiNg

    @radicalpeng The trick is to buy a screw top wine bottle, fill with non-alcoholic wine, don’t share. It tastes gross and you have to be friends with people who bring their own wine and won’t ask for yours. At a certain point though the gig might be up and you have to confess that you’re trying...
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    For those of you exercising 5+ times a week

    @austins3991 I was getting some kind of exercise 6-7 days a week up until about 33 weeks. I was doing a combo of 3 miles of walking each day plus a short Melissa Wood Health video OR a longer video by her or barre workout. I work full time but mostly from home so I managed by doing a workout...