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  1. T

    Parenting help

    @weirdscience89 I mean. You let her get hangry and dehydrated and physically worn out from being in her feet in the heat and sun all day, after a sleepover where I imagine she didn’t sleep as much as she normally does. Any of those conditions can throw her system out of whack and lead to...
  2. T

    Car seat configuration 3-wide

    @cptbobproffesoromemeology We put the baby in the middle. The big kids will argue with each but they adore the baby, so his presence is a natural buffer. It’s a bit of a pain to get baby in and out, but the ride is more peaceful.
  3. T

    Do I have PPD/PPA or am I sleep deprived?

    @iwantchristmore28 I’d try ear plugs and white noise. See if a few nights of solid sleep improves how you’re feeling.
  4. T

    Do I have PPD/PPA or am I sleep deprived?

    @iwantchristmore28 Sleep deprivation is hard. Make sure to tell your doc you have racing thoughts - they can help you sort out if it’s PPA or lack of sleep. If you’re alternating nights, why aren’t you sleeping longer than 6 hours on your off night? I’d try going to bed earlier for a week...