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  1. L

    When did your baby sleep all night w/o feed?

    @londoj 6 months - she was sleep trained. Very easy, she took to it right away!
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    Don't be discouraged by all the rosy posts on this sub

    @seekinganswersinlife Yeah, I understand and I agree that I have seen similarly. Like I said, I would post about it, but I was afraid it would be unhelpful. I have, however, been sharing some of my tips and understandings for those who are seeking guidance. I have also responded to people...
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    Don't be discouraged by all the rosy posts on this sub

    @seekinganswersinlife To be honest I am one of those people described in the first paragraph. My child took to sleep training amazingly. She does have problems here and there with early morning wakings so it's not all perfect all the time but otherwise she's been pretty good ever since. I...
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    Transitioned 2 year old to toddler bed and went well but now waking too early

    @cephasyahushua One suggestion I can think of right away is keeping the naps at 1.5 hours or less. These wake windows sound good though. My understanding is if they wake earlier (before 6am) is to quietly direct them back to their bed to go back to sleep. The adjustment to a toddler bed can...
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    Questions for daycare mamas

    @bellamas When my daughter started daycare around 18 months she would get sick about once a month - usually I would get sick as well however, it wouldn't hit me as hard as her. She's now coming to a point where its becoming less often, which is great! (For reference, she's now 21 months)
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    Transitioned 2 year old to toddler bed and went well but now waking too early

    @cephasyahushua Hmm, what's are his wake windows/schedule like?
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    Transitioned 2 year old to toddler bed and went well but now waking too early

    @cephasyahushua Have you tried an ok-to-wake clock? Like hatch or something similar?
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    For those of you exercising 5+ times a week

    @patchygirl1964 It may or may not assist with labour - but for sure what it will help with is your recovery after. At least, thats what I was told.