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  1. 7

    Pregnant belly?

    @celluloid I’m currently 37 weeks, and was also a size 20 pre-pregnancy. I still have a b-belly sometimes but I mostly wear leggings and it smooths it out into a nice round bump. It may take longer for you to more obviously show but you most likely will look pregnant by the time you’re somewhere...
  2. 7

    Positive Induction stories?

    @ngallbass The waiting around was already starting to get to me lol. I haven’t had any Braxton hicks that I’ve felt, so just sitting around and being like “I guess hopefully I’ll know?” is weird, it’s nice to have a date to aim for now!
  3. 7

    Positive Induction stories?

    @mrssnowqueen1 I’m so glad you had such a positive experience! 🤞🏼 fingers crossed mine goes anywhere near as smoothly!
  4. 7

    Positive Induction stories?

    @hopefulinthebayarea Thank you for sharing!! I’m pretty sure I want an epidural anyway (though was hoping to make it through at least some of active labor without it so I could be mobile and use different laboring positions) but it seems like there’s a decent chance I’ll end up wanting it...
  5. 7

    Positive Induction stories?

    @wandwaving It’s good to have a heads up about how long the process can take, thank you! We’re also trying to figure out how to manage our families expectations and that’ll be important for them to know (my husbands siblings have kept the family chat updated every step of the way when their kids...
  6. 7

    Positive Induction stories?

    @slowmarathoner Thanks for sharing, I’m so glad you felt supported! I feel like there are induction stories where people feel bullied into choices and I’m glad that wasn’t your experience! I’m worried about mine ending in a c section since baby is measuring really big and they’re concerned about...
  7. 7

    just found out my baby is sunny side up

    @fairydustlady My baby is 2 weeks today and was sunny side up. He partially rotated as he was coming down, but was still mostly sunny side up when I delivered. It took me about 2.5 hours of pushing to get him to crowning, then he came all the way out in just a couple pushes after that. Vaginal...
  8. 7

    Positive Experience

    @thony Congratulations!! ❤️
  9. 7

    Positive Induction stories?

    @lazvre Thank you! I know my doctor said they don’t allow eating during labor but I’m going to clarify if they mean active labor (reasonable/doable, I’ve heard people say they’re too nauseous to eat then anyway) or the whole time of the induction (seems very unreasonable and possibly days long!)
  10. 7

    Positive Induction stories?

    @jpocd I had been suspecting that the foley balloon is the worst…I’m going to spend the next 2 weeks doing anything I can to encourage baby to come down/encourage my cervix to dilate and thin to see if maybe I can avoid it 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼 And thanks for the tip on the fan- my sister in law gave birth at...
  11. 7

    Positive Induction stories?

    @lhargrave89 Thanks so much for sharing, I’m glad you had such a positive experience!
  12. 7

    Positive Induction stories?

    @conhocgioi My bishop score is really low as of this morning. Baby is still high up, I’m only fingertip dilated and cervix is thick. I still have almost 2 weeks so I’m going to do what I can (I’ve been really inactive lately so I’m hoping that walking more will help!) to try to raise my score by...
  13. 7

    Positive Induction stories?

    Just got back from my 38 week OB appointment and my doctor wants to schedule an induction for my due date if baby isn’t here by then, because if the combination of my BMI and baby’s size (he’s been measuring big the whole time but now he’s measuring like 98th percentile 🥴) I know some people...
  14. 7

    Apps say belly might start to feel firm (9W), but doesn’t with the extra fluff

    @onlyway019 I really noticed it around 14 weeks, but even then only when I was standing up (otherwise my belly fat tended to sit on top of it so it was harder to feel my uterus)
  15. 7

    Preparing For Induction

    @lostbreed_ofchampion Make sure you stay hydrated! I have a friend who was repeatedly sent home from the hospital over the course of days because she wasn’t dilated enough, but she was too nauseous to eat or drink much. When they finally admitted her and gave her a fluid IV she dilated...
  16. 7

    Just found out I’m 17 weeks pregnant! HELP!

    @immela I knew I was pregnant at 3 weeks and I was still pretty sedentary and ate unhealthy in my first trimester 😅 The fact that you already don’t drink or smoke is great, you don’t have to worry about that part at all! Start taking your prenatals now and see if there’s any way to get access...