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    I need stories of your kiddos moving to their own sleep space

    @derrickolley Yep, same same! I wish I'd researched safe cosleeping before setting up the nursery during pregnancy, because now we've had this crib that we just use for storage and sometimes baby containment while I go pee. But I'm in the US, with a prevalent "sleep training" culture, so I...
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    Reddit put me off flying with a toddler but y’all were wrong

    @crutchfield23 Yeah I wouldn't call the OP's experience lucky, either. And she deserves some praise, too! :)
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    “Cosleeping/bed-sharing creates dependent children”

    @apostolicfaithone1 (Edit: my reading comprehension isn't 100%, hahaha I will note that I see you mentioned Allan Schore so I'm looking up his work now! Sorry!) ❤️ Hi @apostolicfaithone1, I know this is a cosleeping subreddit so it's going to be heavily biased toward pro-cosleeping, but I...
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    Karens at the gym told me I shouldn’t be working out because I’m pregnant

    @cuth6et Haha, great point. Excellent. Medical advancements change. Medical advice changes. The older ladies thought they were in the right.
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    How do you accomplish the mindset change to be comfortable/confident in your decision to be a SAHP?

    @mem5 Thank you for your comment, because I'm feeling a lot of what OP is feeling, and needed to read this. Even though I wanted to become a stay-at-home parent since pregnancy. The timing just didn't work out for us right away, but now we're finally able to swing it. My baby is a year old...
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    I missing cooking dinner wholeheartedly

    @snlmommy I miss cooking, too. I am hoping to involve my baby in the process more now that she can stand up and walk on her own and she knows the terms for different stuff, like "bowl" or spoon, or the food ingredients in the fridge. 🫂 Nah, you did fine. I feel sorry that people gave you so...