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  1. L

    New dad, totally overwhelmed and exhausted, seeks advice

    @uwpx Wow this takes me back. I had a csection and my partner had the same plans as you. I had to do more than I planned because we weren't comfortable with getting help and tbh I don't know how helpful an outside person would be unless they were a night nurse. I would seriously consider a night...
  2. L

    Is the preschooler age supposed to br this exhausting/what am I doing wrong?

    @lizlugo51 Do you have any resources for DBT techniques?
  3. L

    i don’t wanna pump anymore

    @brandon_d Something a midwife said to me when I was struggling to produce at the start was that even if you stopped breastfeeding now you have already given your baby so many lasting benefits that nobody can take away. You've already helped your baby
  4. L

    Is the preschooler age supposed to br this exhausting/what am I doing wrong?

    @laurie4321 I only have a baby and I have zero time. I honestly think you need to adjust your expectations for this stage of life. Your child only sees you for a few hours in the evening so wants to spend as much time with you as he can. Can you put his bedtime back for another half hour or hour...